Striking the Balance: Why Optimal Body pH Matters and How to Achieve It

Striking the Balance - Why Optimal Body pH Matters and How to Achieve It - pH Test Chart 2

By Katrin Geist

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

When I was 22 years old, I felt drained and tired, had little motivation to do anything, and experienced a general lack of energy. My hair had changed from shiny, full, and curly to falling out and less full, dry, and straight, even strawy. Something was amiss. Curious about the cause, I saw a general practitioner. He told me I was in good health, and that everything was just fine. What he said and how I felt did not match. If everything was well, why did I not feel it?

To cut a long story short, it was not until many years later when I tried wheatgrass juice that this changed dramatically. What happened? Seemingly negligibly little. I had changed nothing except for drinking three wheatgrass shots every other day, within one week. The effect was amazing. It gave a powerful reminder of what it’s like to wake up wide awake in the morning, ready to excitedly jump out of bed and greet a brand new day – a feeling I hadn’t experienced for nearly two decades but recognized instantly. It was awesome and familiar, along the lines of “wherever have you been all this time?!”

From then on, fresh wheatgrass juice formed a daily part of my life. A 30 ml shot equates the goodies present in about one kilogram of vegetables. Still unaware of why wheatgrass juice had this effect, I enjoyed the raised energy levels a great deal regardless. Curious once more, I looked into the subject. This article shares what I found. It’s amazing to think this solution could have emerged years and years ago, had the idea occurred to my GP to test pH. I don’t say this to blame him, but rather to illustrate a point another MD made in her book: that testing body pH is rarely part of general medical practice (Kraske 2005). Yet, it’s such a fundamental component of a healthy body and mind, and one easily addressed at home (given no illness is present).

Chemistry 101 – Acid, Base, pH – What were they again?

In a nutshell, an acid donates hydrogen ions (H+) or protons, and a base receives them (Box 1). Ions are charged atoms or particles. Bases also contain one or more hydroxyl groups (OH). Acids and bases neutralize each other. Both are important for our metabolism. In the body, when acids and bases react, they produce neutral salts and water. These salts are easily excreted (e.g. sweat) and pose no issue.

Striking the Balance - Why Optimal Body pH Matters and How to Achieve It - Acid Base pH Buffer

The logarithmic pH scale offers a measure of the acidity or basicity of a substance. The acronym pH stands for the power of hydrogen (H) (Box 1). It measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in one liter of aqueous solution: the more H+ ions, the stronger the acid and the lower the pH reading. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14. Substances behave neutral (neither acidic nor basic, i.e. the solution contains equal amounts of H+ and OH ions) around pH 7. Higher pH values (above 7) reflect a stronger basicity. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in our stomach, for example, is pH 1, whereas our blood maintains a constant pH between 7.34 and 7.45. Outside this narrow range, human life would cease fairly quickly. People with acidosis (a constant blood pH below 7.35) require intensive medical care. Alkalosis, a constant blood pH above 7.45, rarely occurs but is equally serious. The words basic and alkaline are often used interchangeably, denoting a pH above 7.

Naturally acidic and alkaline organs and minerals

The stomach, skin, and vagina are examples of naturally more acidic organs, whereas salivary glands, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and intestines require and create more alkaline environments. Acidic minerals: sulphur, phosphorus, chloride, iodine, and silica. Alkalizing minerals: compounds containing potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and sodium. These need to be present in every cell to neutralize acidic metabolites. Nowadays, many people lack sufficient supply of these minerals.

In order to maintain proper blood pH, the body uses various buffer systems which allow it to temporarily “soak up” excess acids. It follows that these buffer systems require careful maintenance, lest they be depleted, forcing the body to use its own substance to neutralize acids – a less than ideal and all too common scenario in Western populations.

What’s a buffer? What roles do breathing and hydration play?

A buffer is an acid-base system that maintains a highly stable pH in aqueous solution (Box 1). No matter how much acid you add, for example, the pH will not change. That is, until the buffer becomes exhausted, at which point the solution will eventually turn acidic. Ideally, though, this point is never reached and the pH maintained. Addition or evaporation of water also do not markedly affect the pH of a buffer solution. The blood’s carbonic acid – bicarbonate buffer is a good example: our cells’ metabolism consistently produces carbonic acid,H2CO3. Carbonic acid and water react to bicarbonate and a hydronium ion: H2CO3 + H2O ? HCO3+ H3O+. This equation forms our carbonic acid – bicarbonate buffer system. Add an acid and it reacts with the base (HCO3), add a base and it reacts with the acid (H2CO3) – the pH remains stable as long as enough buffer molecules are present. Carbonic acid also dissociates to H2O and CO2, which we then exhale through the lungs. This is why deep breathing is so beneficial. Not only does it directly oxygenate our cells, it also releases CO2, thus helping to maintain pH. Since we also exhale bicarbonate, there is no net purging of acids via the lungs. This task falls to our kidneys, which eliminate excess acids in form of the ammonium ion (NH4+). If acids were excreted directly, cells in the kidneys and urinary tract would suffer acidity damage. In order to successfully rid the body off excess acids, kidneys require enough water – that is why drinking enough is vitally important! It directly nourishes cells, supports the body’s detox systems, and helps maintain its acid-base balance. It may well be the simplest remedy to employ, alleviating many a symptom. Of course, the water you drink should be of high quality…I will offer a separate article about water later. It is the number one food, and for good reason. A simple test to see if you’re well hydrated: pinch a bit of skin on the back of your hand and let go. It should immediately smooth out again. If the skin fold persists for more than three seconds, you’re dehydrated.

Why is the acid-base balance important?

If the body lacks a sufficient base supply to neutralize acids, they can be temporarily stored in connective tissues and muscles to await neutralization. If this step does not occur, however, problems may eventually arise due to a chronic acid overload (see below). High acid levels in the blood and other body fluids disturb ana- and catabolic pathways (the building and breaking down of molecules). Cellular function depends on the right milieu. For example, enzymes (catalytic proteins) rely on a specific pH for optimal form and function: the stomach requires high acidity (pH 1 – 3) to break down proteins, whereas the pancreas works best at pH 10, and the intestine between pH 6 and 7. Cell membranes, distribution of electrolytes, and connective tissue function all depend on the right cellular environment (including pH levels), as does the blood and really all body fluids. Our heart circulates c.7500 liters of blood through c. 96.500 km of blood vessels every day. Blood reaches and communicates with all organs and tissues, transporting oxygen and nutrients to all cells, carbonic acid to the lungs, and waste metabolites to the kidneys. Lack of water and acid overload both reduce its flowing ability, preventing blood from reaching the smallest capillaries – consequently, those tissues may turn anaerobic (since no oxygen is supplied, they must switch to functioning without it, a sub-ideal situation, yielding less energy and encouraging pathogens and cancer cell growth).

The acid-base interplay is of paramount importance for all other metabolic events in the body. It forms the basis for good health and quick recovery from illness. When the body has enough bases to neutralize acids, we are in balance.

How the body neutralizes and eliminates acidic foods and metabolites

To neutralize and eliminate acids, the body employs various buffer and excretory systems:

  • Blood bicarbonate buffer, as mentioned above.
  • Phosphate buffer & proteins in the blood serum bind excess acids.
  • Exhalation of CO2 through the lungs.
  • Kidneys: with excess acid present, they retain most bicarbonate and increasingly excrete acids.
  • Skin: naturally slightly acidic; regenerates its pH after sweating and washing, thus drawing out acids.
  • Connective tissues: can absorb acids for a while through complex, negatively charged proteins. Connective tissues may serve as (temporary) storage areas for excess acids. If the acids remain, however, these tissues eventually “turn sour”. The price is a reduced functionality.
  • Muscles: yield proteins to help kidneys produce ammonia when their reservoir is exhausted; long term, this leads to loss of muscle substance.
  • Bones: yield bicarbonate, potassium, and phosphorus. The body can draw on these to neutralize acids. However, chronic acid overload also hinders potassium absorption to rebuild bones; long term, combined effects lead to bone loss (osteoporosis).

If we consume too high a proportion of acid forming foods, we can become too low in bases, so that the body has to resort to its own resources to keep the pH constant. It would be much easier and more healthful to offer a naturally sufficient base supply, rather than forcing the body to use its own substance (e.g. bones or muscles) for pH balancing. The presence of so many buffer and fallback systems to keep a stable blood pH hints at the importance of maintaining proper pH for the entire body.

Causes of pH imbalance, how to recognize it, and physiological consequences

Besides a diet favoring acid forming foods and drinks (meat, dairy, grains, see Table 1), a largely sedentary life style and lack of movement, environmental toxins, stress, illness, and taking prescription drugs may all affect our pH balance. The average Middle European consumes more acids than they excrete. Box 2 highlights some of the differences between a primarily acidic or alkaline body metabolism.

Striking the Balance - Why Optimal Body pH Matters and How to Achieve It - Acidic vs Alkaline Metabolism

The human body works and feels best under neutral or slightly alkaline conditions. All of our body fluids contain acids and bases, originating from foods and normal metabolism. The key lies in their proportions: Western diets generally easily satisfy acid presence and usually lack a sufficient base supply. The net result is a shift to a more acidic body environment. A (chronically) high acid load leads to protein depletion and lack of antibodies required by the immune system, potentially resulting in more frequent colds. And there is evidence for impaired white blood cell function in acidic milieus, leading to less effective disposal of cancerous cells (Kraske 2005, and see this previous article Truly Healing From Cancer and Preventing It Altogether). Stress hormone levels (adrenaline and thyroxine) rise in acidic environments, causing insomnia, feeling stressed or nervous, even depressed. Other indicators include:

  • feeling tired, nervous or irritable
  • lack of motivation
  • restlessness
  • inexplicable headaches
  • faded complexion, change in skin color
  • tooth decay and gum problems
  • belly aches
  • cold hand and feet
  • arms and legs feeling heavy
  • muscle and joint aches
  • change in hair structure, shine; hair loss; presence of dandruff
  • feeling stressed & less able to withstand stress
  • decreased tension of skin and connective tissue
  • brittle nails; lenghtways ridges hint at blood containing irritants
  • tongue should be clear, moist and pink; an overly red tongue with fissures indicates excess acid loads
  • cellulitis

The silent shift towards an increasing acid burden can go undetected for years, even decades (unless you simply periodically monitor urine pH, see below). Chronic acid overload has been related to osteoporosis, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatic problems, migraines, gout, gall & kidney stones, gastrointestinal problems, neurodermatitis, allergic reactions, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, and cancer – seems to me, taking care of the acid-alkaline balance possibly heads off a whole cast of downstream unpleasantness! And the good news is: it’s easy.

How do I measure my pH?

There are several ways which allow to estimate one’s pH: measuring the urine, saliva, or connective tissue acid load. As blood is highly buffered, measuring its pH yields limited information. Laboratory tests assessing connective tissue buffer capacity provide the most reliable and comprehensive results. However, these tests are more involved and not suitable for home use. Yet, since the kidneys clean connective tissues and rid them off acids, measuring their output lends itself to estimate the body’s acid excretion. All up, urine pH is the easiest measure for evaluating your body pH at home. Get strips that cover a range between 5 and 8, with half or quarter increments for more detailed information. A word on measuring pH correctly: you can either collect your urine and then briefly submerge the strip, or expose the strip a few seconds after having begun urinating.

Another fun way to assess your acidity level is dark-field microscopy. Normally, our red blood cells swim around freely in the blood stream. When the body is too acidic, however, they can clump together. It really looks like coins stacked on top of each other. This would be an easy test to visualize a possible over-acidity. People experiencing dizziness often exhibit ‘coin stack blood’ – drinking two glasses of water may bring quick relief. Measuring lactic acid is another way to determine the body’s acid load.

Striking the balance: supporting the body in keeping neutral to alkaline

The goals is to flush out excess acids and rebuild the body’s base reserves. This is a longer term commitment in two parts: 1) life style adaptations and 2) a temporary acid flush regimen. Even though your body will notice any changes immediately, it may take a while before this reflects in your pH readings, as muscles and connective tissues gradually release their excess acid loads. Adopting an alkaline diet ideally forms a life long habit. It’ll serve you to no end. I observe two weekly juice fasts per year, in the autumn and in late spring. There are many ways to re-establish a healthy pH balance, and every person needs to find their own preferences going from helpful rules of thumb into tweaking it to their specific situation, which may involve pre-existing health conditions or even serious illness. In those cases, consult with your current health care giver before embarking on flushing out excess acids.

First step: monitor your urine pH to find out if you even need to flush out excess acids. Some people may not. As said, though, most Westerners tend to be too acidic, so chances are you’ll benefit from flushing out acids and adopting an alkaline diet.

For starts, I suggest to keep a “pH, food & physical activity” diary while you estimate your pH daily for a week. Every time you use the toilet, measure your pH and write it down. Everything you eat and drink – write it down, including the times of eating, kind of physical activity, and pH measurement. A simple spreadsheet can keep track of it. You cannot conclude anything from only a few pH readings, as they naturally fluctuate throughout the day. After a week of recording these data, however, you will have a good idea of where you’re currently at: too acidic or not. Generally, urine pH is lower in the mornings, between 5 and 6. It should rise after meals. If it stays well below 7 all day, you’re likely experiencing an acid overload. Values around 7 indicate excretion of bases, and not only acids. This is a good sign the body may currently be in balance, and at least not struggling with excessive acids. Throughout the day, your pH should read 7 or higher once, better twice. When restoring the acid-base balance from chronic excess acid loads, the morning reading should eventually sit around pH 7 – 7.5. This value reflects blood pH and indicates no excess tissue acid load for the kidneys. Subsequently, after finishing the acid flush regimen, your pH should sit around 7.4 or higher after meals, giving a good indication that you are in balance.

The healing response

When re-regulating in the beginning, you may feel worse than before. This the body’s reaction to the dietary and life style changes you’ve made. Examples are gout-like states, dizziness, headaches, or hemorrhoids. These may occur as a result of uric acid finally being released from connective tissues. This temporarily affects the acid-alkaline balance dramatically. Drinking enough is very important, so that the body can flush out all those excess acids. You can alleviate or even avoid these unpleasant effects by drinking alkaline drinks such as herbal teas and broth, and by supplementing with base powders (inform yourself thoroughly on how to apply this temporary measure properly, see also below). Apart from being unpleasant, these temporary responses cause no harm. On the contrary, they are an expression of the body healing itself and coming back into balance.

I recommend to start by slowly introducing new habits into the mix. Pick the things that feel right and good to you (see below), and leave the rest for later. People achieve more when starting small, instead of implementing it all and running out of steam after a week or two. This is a long term commitment to yourself. It will serve you to no end. In a nutshell, all it takes is a) an alkaline eating habit, b) sufficient exercise, c) drinking plenty of water, d) an occasional acid flush regimen when appropriate, e) having fun and feeling well in the process, enjoying improved energy levels and vitality as you go.

Drinking enough water

If you have trouble drinking 2 liters a day, start slowly and work up to that volume. You absolutely can drink this much. It’s just about forming a new habit. I tell clients to get two nice 1l bottles and fill them up with good quality water every day. Put them in places where you see them, and have a glass stand next to them. Whenever you pass by a bottle, have a drink! The only rule is that both bottles have to be empty by the end of the day. Refill and repeat. Additionally, it is a great healthy living habit to drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning.

Once you’re used to drinking more water, begin your acid flush regimen (see below). The alkaline eating habit itself – replacing acidic foods with alkaline ones and learning how to combine foods for an 80/20 ratio you can start straight away. It begins with shopping differently. While acid flushing, you can support the body by drinking 2l of water (herbal tea & broth), breathing deeply (exercising), massages, and sauna bathing (sweating). Fasting also works very well. This doesn’t necessarily mean not eating for days or weeks, even though this is also an option (but inform yourself on how to do this properly to maximize benefits and avoid pitfalls), but simply leaving out the occasional dinner or not consuming food for a day offers the digestive system a break.

The following outlines above paragraph’s summary in more detail, offering actions for shifting toward a more neutral body pH. While eating alkaline, drinking enough, and exercising build the foundation of a healthy acid-alkaline balance, you may also opt for some of the other suggestions listed, especially in the beginning. These form parts of what I refer to as the “acid flush regimen”, emphasizing excretion of excess acids over a set period of time, before maintaining the shifted balance primarily through diet and exercise. There are no hard and fast rules. Play with these items, and use those that suit you. Monitor your progress with measuring urine pH in the mornings and after meals. You’ll likely feel the positive effects, naturally encouraging you to follow through. Also keep in mind that all we do here is to support the body in its natural ways – it knows exactly what to do – and an alkaline, plant based eating habit, occasionally combined with the other suggestions listed here, only allows it to function even better than it already does.

Eating alkaline

Funny enough, few people make a connection between how they feel and what they eat. In times of stress and high demand, we tend to cut corners and opt for fast food or cans, rather than cooking a meal from scratch using fresh produce. Long term, the price we pay for these choices may be high, however. And eating alkaline is easier than it may sound! In essence, it’s about learning how to combine foods and increasing proportions of fruit and vegetables while eating less acid forming foods (meat, dairy, grains).

Striking the Balance - Why Optimal Body pH Matters and How to Achieve It - Eating Alkaline Food Table

Table 1 provides a guideline: note that nutrition tables tend to vary between authors and their points of view. Generally, above table groups foods according to their metabolic end products in the body: acids or bases. An easy rule of thumb is that fruit and vegetables are alkaline, whereas dairy products, grains and meats are acid forming. Knowing that alone already helps making better choices. Authors differed in their opinion about coffee: some say it’s slightly alkaline, others say it’s acidic, and one author listed it both as acidic and alkaline. Take your pick…apparently, green coffee beans are alkaline, but growing conditions, time of reaping and subsequent treatment as well as preparation method may all influence how the final brew affects our body. If you enjoy coffee, that’s fine (within reason). Just think about how to offer your body alkaline equivalents. And this really goes for anything you eat or drink. If it’s primarily acidic, think about how to best equilibrate that food or drink, preferably on the same day. As a rule of thumb, 80% of foods you eat each day should be alkaline, and up to 20% acid forming foods are fine.

You can run an online search for recipes or even entire alkaline cook books. Common sense also works, though. Becoming aware of what you eat is the first step. For example, spaghetti with cheese sauce is an acidic meal (see Table 1). Spaghetti with plenty of homemade tomato sauce, on the other hand, is a more neutral dish. So you see there’s no need to ban spaghetti. Just combine them right. A great way to increase vegetable uptake is vegetable juicing. One glass of fresh juice in the morning nicely sets the tone for the day, beginning it with a treat for your body. It floods you with alkaline goodies that help your body detoxify and counteract excess acids. Above link also shows you what to pay attention to when buying a juicer, as not all juicing machines are equal.

You can give extra support to your body by observing an ‘alkaline day’ once a week where you exclusively consume alkaline foods and drinks. This gives your system a break. Similarly, a one day fast (drinking only) can help reset the body, too. Limiting alcohol also benefits the acid-base balance, as does omitting anything “white”: flour, rice, bread, sugar.

The most valuable change will be an increased awareness of what enters your body, and a desire to support yourself, rather than hurting yourself (yes, food can hurt). Given what you know now, you may find it rather easy to omit some foods and also try new ones. It’s fun to discover all these things you never knew before existed! You’ll go shopping with different eyes.

Alkalizing drinks

  • Glass of water + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (hot or cold)
  • Glass of water + fresh lemon juice squeezed in (hot or cold)
  • Vegetable broth

Drinking these before sports is especially helpful.

Physical activity and sports

Everyone knows that exercise is important. Not only do you feel refreshed and well afterwards, it also benefits your entire body. Muscle activity leads to:

  • stimulating the circulatory system
  • improved blood flow, muscle metabolism, nutrient flow
  • oxygenated cells
  • more efficient detox processes
  • the heart muscle adapting to increased demand (training effect)
  • strengthened bones, tendons, and immune system
  • prevention of constipation, osteoporosis
  • increased breathing & lungs expelling more CO2
  • weight loss
  • normalized sugar levels (regular exercise can prevent diabetes)
  • good mood

Now, if for some reason you cannot participate in sports, exercise those body parts that you can move. There’s nothing wrong with starting small. Just start with what you can. Walking in the park counts as much as does housework and mowing lawns or parking the car farther away to walk the rest. Cycling to and from work is an excellent way to incorporate regular exercise into your day, as is using the stairs instead of an elevator. Get creative!

Did you know that when you burn only an extra 2000 kilocalories per week you’re three times less likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or cancer? Movement is life. It is one of the best health insurances out there, and it’s free.

Rule of thumb for sports with physiological training effect: 

Train 20-30 minutes, three times a week. This achieves a training effect for heart and circulatory system. Shorter exercise times likely won’t. It should exhaust you in a good way, with peak intensity reaching your limits. Pulse should be 180 minus your age, e.g. at age 30, it may be 150, and 115 at 65.

You can enhance the acid releasing effect by consuming alkaline drinks before exercising.

And remember: any exercise is good, whether you measure pulse or not. I never do and feel good all the same after an uphill bike ride. The adjustment and thus improvement show in cycling up the hill at greater ease and speed over time. Regularity is key.

Most importantly: enjoy what you do! Whether that’s running in the park, playing volleyball with friends, dancing, or going to the gym – it’s important you enjoy moving. If it’s just an empty “must do” without joy, you likely won’t sustain it.


Treat yourself to a full body massage! Not only does it feel very good, it also flushes out acids – given you drink enough. While working your muscles, the massage therapist causes the body to release acids and toxins from tissues. These must be flushed out in order to truly benefit from the massage, so drink plenty before and after!

Apple cider vinegar rub

You need a towel, hot water and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. Soak towel with hot water and wring out. Distribute apple cider vinegar on the towel and rub your body off: beginning at the feet and legs, then arms and torso. Direct your movement towards the heart. As mentioned above, apple cider vinegar also makes a great drink for releasing acids (1 tsp in a glass of water, in morning and evening).


Salt bath

Soak in 37°C warm salt water. Caution: not just any salt, and most definitely not refined table salt (NaCl)!

Use 100g sodium-bicarbonate and a generous table spoon of sea salt, OR a good handful Bullrich Salz, if you’re in German speaking countries, plus above table spoon of sea salt, OR create a 1% salt solution (say 1kg of salt in 100l of water) with Himalayan crystal salt (available from health food shops).

Soak for 30 mins and then rest for an hour afterward. I like to do this in the evening, right before bed. This bath not only draws out acids, it also replenishes the body with minerals. This goes both ways. Hence it’s really important to not use any soaps or cosmetics. Also, make sure the tub has not been cleaned immediately before use – unless you use vinegar cleaner or similar, which do not leave traces of unwanted chemicals behind. You want your body to receive the goodness of the salt, not contaminants. Gently dab yourself off and rest afterward.

Acid drawing bath

If for some reason you do not take well to salt exposure, no worries. Here’s another very effective way to bathe and expel acids: fill the tub with 27°C water. Soak for ten minutes. Soap yourself off thoroughly and use a brush to massage the body. Lie back fully submerged and soak for another 20 to 40 minutes. Add hot water as required. Repeat soaping and brushing of entire body, then thoroughly rinse under the shower, gently dry your skin and go to bed. This can be enjoyed one to three times a week. The skin assumes a role of “third kidney” in helping the body considerably to detoxify during these baths.

Sauna bathing

Sauna bathing goes back a long way historically, and it’s a great way to support your immune system and detoxify. It works a charm and feels good. Balance water loss with alkaline drinks such as herbal teas or broth. You can enhance the effect by providing your body with sodium-bicarbonate before and after sauna bathing: the body soaks up the sodium-bicarbonate and runs it through the connective tissues, neutralizing acids and flushing them out. This “alkaline flush” can be measured in sweat.

Base powders and supplements

These products should be used sparingly, and only as a temporary form of supporting the body in flushing out excess acids from connective tissue. The basis for a long term neutral to slightly alkaline pH definitely lies in an alkaline diet and regular, adequate exercise.

That said, here’s the powder recipe I occasionally use to help tissues release acids (after Friedrich Sander, one of the most distinguished acid-base researchers). Your pharmacist should be able to make this up for you:

  • 10g sodium phosphoricum
  • 10g potassium bicarbonicum
  • 100g calcium carbonicum
  • 80g sodium bicarbonicum

Use one teaspoon in 0.5 liters of water in the mornings and evenings for up to 6 weeks, depending on your pH readings and situation. Common sense works best in monitoring what you require and deciding when to stop.

Note that too much powder may result in diarrhea and stomach problems. Remember, our stomach needs to be acidic and an overload of bases neutralizes it too much. So go easy on these products and carefully feel your way into using them short term.

Important: above suggestions are only for those not currently suffering from an illness. If you do, becoming less acidic may still be a very valuable approach, but discuss it with your health care provider first. For example, people with rheumatic problems show a pH reading of 7, indicating a seemingly intact acid-alkaline balance. However, their body cannot excrete acids well anymore, and those readings are misleading in that case. But they, too, should show a fluctuating pH when embarking on purging excess acids. Another example includes feeling increased pressure in the ear(s), hinting at possible development of tinnitus, in which case one MD (Worlitschek 2011) highly recommends to flush out acids and rebalance the pH. If this is you, collaborate with your doctor or someone knowledgeable in the arena of pH balancing.

In closing, looking after your acid-base balance is not only comparatively easy, but also a powerful preventive measure. And you’ll feel well. Chances are, once you feel the effect of turning more alkaline inside, you won’t want to go back to the old way – who wants to trade increased vitality and energy levels for tiredness and low energy? This balance interplays with all body systems, and they depend on it. To me, after years of living the consequences of excess acidity, it’s a “no brainer” to maintain an alkaline diet. I type this over a latte at my favorite coffee shop. On my way home, I shall have a liter of lemon water while cycling up the hill, besides plenty of water throughout the day. No worries. Again, it’s the proportions. Learn to balance your foods, and you can eat (almost) everything. And if you really lust after that piece of cake – have it! Better to enjoy it fully and then eat alkaline again than to crave it endlessly and feeling miserable. The occasional exception is quite all right, long as it remains that: totally guilt-free enjoyment on occasion.

Best of luck with embarking on this new aspect in your life, if you so choose, and may you thoroughly enjoy the fruits of this transition into an alkaline, energy filled and balanced life style!

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  • Kraske EM. 2008. Saeure-Basen Balance. GU Ratgeber Gesundheit. 125 S.
  • Vormann J. 2008. Saeure-Basen-Balance. GU Kompass. 96 S.
  • Worlitschek M. 2011. Sauere-Basen-Haushalt. TriasVerlag. 136 S.

Previous articles by Katrin Geist:

About the author:

 Truly Healing From Cancer and Preventing It Altogether

Katrin Geist, BA, MSc, combines her interests in consciousness, personal transformation, and natural healthcare as Reconnective Healing practitioner, speaker, and author. Her monthly “Healthy Living Newsletter” offers original articles like this one on relevant natural healthcare topics.

Katrin has held international Reconnective Healing clinics in several countries and currently works from her New Zealand office in Dunedin. To contact her for personal or remote sessions, send an email to [email protected], or call 0064 (0)21 026 95 806 NZ mobile).

Katrin’s website and blog at also offer more information on Reconnective Healing and how it helps people regain and retain their wellbeing – naturally and effortlessly: no pills, no needles, no side-effects. Trying this process may well be the best thing you ever did! No more than 3 sessions required to find out what difference this may make for you.


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