Scary Stories: A Documentary to Tell in the Dark


Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is one of the most controversial and frequently banned classic book series of all time. The series’ haunting illustrations and whimsical tales bring nostalgia to those of us who grew up with the books in the 80s and 90s. Scary Stories fans were thrilled when CBS Films announced a fictional film based on the books in 2013, but no further production news has been revealed.

Luckily, in the meantime Chicago filmmaker Cody Meirick is producing a non-fiction documentary about the series, Scary Stories: A Documentary.

Meirick’s film will explore the history of Gothic children’s folklore; the series’ origins, publication history, and illustrations; censorship of children’s literature; artists inspired by the illustrations; the role of storytelling in children’s literature; and Alvin Schwartz’s compilation journey. The film will feature interviews with the American Library Association, scholars of children’s and Gothic literature, and Gothic artists. Additionally, the Schwartz family will be involved with and interviewed for the film.

Although the film’s early interviews have already been completed, Meirick is currently raising money through Indiegogo until April 27, 2015, to finish the project, which is expected to wrap up production by winter 2015. Rewards for contributing include a thanks at the end of the documentary, a digital copy when the film is completed, donations to the literacy efforts of Open Books (a Chicago non-profit that supports literary experiences for young readers), a behind-the-scenes featurette, and more. Head over to Scary Stories: A Documentary’s Indiegogo campaign or website to learn more!

Scary Stories: A Documentary



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