Fowler Group… Last Day

As we wind down our time here in Haiti, it is easy to see God’s hand on our time here. We have had an opportunity to see the work that Susan is doing with her special needs ministry, visit several of the homes of her kids, and spend some quality time with our little friends in the orphanage. Today Jamie and I had a chance to meet with Pastor Agenor and understand the challenges and successes of the Mole Christian Church which this wise and faithful man leads. I’m struck by the progress being made by Northwest Haiti Christian Mission in this region against considerable odds. I’m amazed by how God is using Jody and Jose and the staff here to serve and reach this community.

We started today with clinic. It was a light day for the clinic serving about 50 people. Because Susan is leaving with our group and will be back in the states for about a month we spent time preparing doses of medication and generally preparing the pharmacy for her absence. At lunch we had our market day at which several people from the community brought Haitian-made items for sale. After lunch we visited the home of one of the staff o is a part of the special needs ministry. This was a unique glimpse into the community and a typical house in Mole St Nicholas. It rained hard this afternoon, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the young people who came to campus to audition for the dance group being put together by the Castillo girls. After judging the auditions of 45 potential dancers 12 (5 boys and 7 girls) were chosen to be in the dance group. We ended the evening with a devotion by Jody and a prayer walk around the campus.

Reflecting on the week, I have been thinking about sights and sounds of our week here. I often think of this as a five senses experience. Here are some examples:

Sights: Construction workers standing in a circle to pray, rainbows, chickens, beautiful children with big smiles, Caribbean blue water, palm trees, sunrises, school uniforms, teenagers dancing, patients in the clinic, ponchos, donkeys.

Sounds: motorcycles, goats, singing, donkeys braying, laughing, construction workers singing, roosters, horns blowing, rain on tin roofs, palm branches against the roof, snoring, mice in the rafters, “Listen to Your Heart” (thanks Texas Tech).

Smells: charcoal, bug spray, diesel, fish, air after the rain, popcorn, sunscreen, nail polish, BO, wet dogs.

Tastes: pop corn, coke, pizza, Haitian spaghetti, bug spray, rice, beans, rice and beans, hot dogs, smarties.

Feelings: wetness, children climbing on you, cold showers, wet sheets, coolness, sand, mud, hot sun,

Anyone who has been to the Mole may relate to some or all of these.

As we pack up for an early flight tomorrow we are blessed by the people and the experiences we have had while here. Thanks NWHCM and thanks Jody and Jose for having us.

Rob Fowler

One comment

  1. Bless you all for your willingness to answer the call God put on your hearts to go and serve with love.

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