AHA! Holiday Party & Elections – December 10th

Just a reminder that our Holiday Party is upon us. I look forward to seeing many of you there tomorrow. As a quick recap:  Time: 6:00pm. Location:  The Little Art Gallery on the University of St. Thomas campus (corner of Yoakum and Branard).  Parking should be in back of the house or street parking in surrounding neighborhood.

From my announcement yesterday, I also need to issue a retraction. I had initially mentioned that we would be voting on a by-laws amendment proposal. It has been brought to my attention that although we had discussed this at the Spring meeting and it was captured in the minutes, we still needed to announce the proposal to membership at least 3 weeks prior to the December meeting. Per Article VI of our existing By-laws.  As your President that is my fault and responsibility and I apologize about this. As a result we will not be voting on the proposed document at this time. It will have to wait until next year.

Attached you will find the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting in addition to the slate for the 2016 candidates. Please note that for the position of Vice-President, we have Emily Vinson who has agreed to run, but she is currently running unopposed as we have not received an additional candidate nomination. There is the provision of Article V Section 2B that prior to election, nominations can be made and seconded from the floor prior to the election of each officer, so if we really have a late entry for VP that is a possibility.

Finally, I wanted  to share with you news about the SSA Proposed deadline extension from our SSA President Mary Manning. The good news is that they are still seeking proposals for a session or paper for the 2016 SSA Conference. Deadline has been extended to December 18th for submissions.  I’m sure you all have something to contribute to this year’s theme of Native Routes. Please see attachment for additional details and submission.


Vince Lee

AHA Holiday Meeting 2015 Agenda

2016 Election Candidates

SSA Call of Papers December 2016