Ascension Mastery Update from Walking Terra Christa

Walking Terra Christa

Nov 26, 2014 09:11 am


Lord Ashtar-Ashtar CommandLord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light.


~ Please Share These Free Teachings in Service to All ~

2014 is the year of Grounding Unity where all soul’s desiring the creation of the Fifth Dimensional New Earth work diligently to bring the Higher Christed Energies down into the body through the Rays of God within the chakra system and consciously grounded into the planet.

It is also at this time that those who oppose the grounding of the Higher Frequencies of Light are working extra hard to make sure they keep the global energy at a lower vibration. Weather modification (HARRP) technology is one of the more advanced methods being used to cause fear and disharmony.

To Assist the Earth Energies in the most powerful way possible, we will be experiencing Divine Light Language Coding teachings from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda as they join with us to effect vibrational changes. These group light gatherings will once occur every month on the second Saturday of the month to clear the planet of lower frequencies and raise the collective vibration.

WHEN: Second Saturday of the Month 10:00 AM Pacific time / 1:00 PM Eastern

WHERE: From Your Location anywhere on Earth via SKYPE or phone




All one person has to do is listen to this trnsmission to be part of the expansion of these energies of assistance.” Lord Ashtar explains the partnership of assistance and how it it possible only through accessing our multidimensional selves. The higher frequencies are not only about the galactic spiritual forces here to assist earth but also our own consciusness within that defining light of who we are in the Oneness. We recieve Divine Light Language encoding to help us connect to our full selfhood. Lord Sananada using his connection from earth (as Jesuah/Jesus) to the Christed Galactics, brings forth his role in a blessing as well.


Previous Messages:


We join with both Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda of the Ashtar Command Galactic Federation of Light to experience the highest level of meditative energy exchange by becoming the Christed Self in our hearts and minds. This is the most important energy we can consciously create and participate in as human beings who are ambassadors to planet earth from other star systems. Please use this energy meditation exchange regularly in your life and share it with anyone who desires to co-create the New Earth fo the Fifth Dimensional frequency in Wholeness of the Oneness we are together. This specific format removes all lower ego agendas of the corrupted programming that is so prevalent among well intended (but often uninformed) individuals who desire to share Love and Light upon earth at this crucial time. (a video version will be posted on our youtube page: )


A special message from Lords Ashtar & Sananda regarding the summer energies of 2014 in the northern hemisphere (winter in the southern). We have 3 SUPERMOONS this summer and these energies are about illuminating what is normally hidden. This is a full message bringing in the Unified Whole frequencies to assist each of us find the balance between the feminine and masculine guided by our Higher Heart and Higher Mind. Many are feeling the stress and emotions of not being able to find the balance within as the energies of the Cosmic Source are now hitting us in order to reveal what must be changed in order to have us step into peace and flow with our lives. It is crucially important to FEEL the energies the Intergalactic Federation has waiting for us (if we accept them) and to stop being in Warrior mode against the dark. We must look to the “dark” within first, or noting can change in order to create the New Earth of Terra Christa in the Fifth Dimension.


July 12 2014 WTC Full Moon Celebration – Changing the Pattern to Ground the New Frequencies – We go to the Unified Whole Command Temple of Oneness to connect with the energies of the July Full Moon of CANCER/CAPRICORN which is occurring at 12:25 GMT, 4:25 am Pacific, and 7:25 AM Eastern.

This Full Moon represents the balance between unconditional and conditional love, in the reference of home & family vs our career goals. If we take this moon cycle and bring it into wholeness, it represents the ability to love all aspects of our-self in our home and our work. It may also create pathways for an individual to do both at the same time. Transformation of the Self will allow the embrace of love in all aspects of life. Meditation/Activation/channeling from the Tribal Elders. This ceremony will include the energies of ASHTAR COMMAND with our monthly connection with the Christed Intergalactics.  We also hear from No-Eyes and White Buffalo Calf Woman.


June 14, 2014 Teaching: BEING THE CHANGEOn this group gathering we begin (as we do on all teachings) by elevating our own state of being to the highest level of awareness. Lord Ashtar once more acknowledged to us this is exactly how we BECOME a higher dimensional being that can then act to alter the earths energies and he assists us to experience and understand these elements with the Galactic Federation of Light members.

Many do not understand engaging in this kind of preparation prior to connecting with him, and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, is essential to doing ascension work correctly. Many instead just want his messages, and Lord Ashtar desires to share his essence so we can meet as equals in our Christed Selves. Please take the time to share this page audio recordings but also to encourage those with whom you share to know that joining in service, in live group consciousness on the next gathering, is more powerful than simply listening to the audio afterwards. This is because it is the active consciousness within a physical reality that has the power to change most effectively.

May 10, 2014 Teaching/Light Group Gathering – Lord Ashtar has Meleriessee first activate the Higher Consciousness Energies because it is from that state of being that we can each accomplish a more coherent connection to the Ashtar Command. We then gain a deeper understanding of what our role and energies are doing to assist GAIA. A special message from Lord Sananda provides access through his blessing and prayers for our galactic awareness of our pathway.

April 12, 2014 Teaching/Light Group Gathering – Lord Ashtar acknowledges us for our active role in assisting Gaia. We focus on the calming energies of bringing ease and a natural flow to the rains and thunderstorms that are too forceful due to the tampering. He also reminds us that the combined light that we are creating with these gatherings, is also about bringing the Christed Consciousness to All living forms upon earth. This is why he and the Spiritual Light Beings are so very pleased and thank each of you for active participation in this work. Please look to the skies to have the starships acknowledge you personally.

In the March 8, 2014 Teaching / Light Group GatheringLord Ashtar explains the process of how the lower frequencies operate to control weather from an energetic viewpoint and how it is designed to affect humanity. The discussion focuses on setting up a grid and expanding it through live group activity across the globe, and how we are the grounding rod for this to occur. It is not simply the Christed Intergalactic’s who are contributing to the greater good of earth alone. We are then given Divine Language Light Codes to assist.

[ Comment from Mike: We recently had someone say that they help Gaia by sending Love & Golden Light energy to her to assist with the weather and earth’s healing. The question was then, isn’t that enough? In relationship to this work, our response was:

Please understand that Ashtar Command is not just a collective of advanced beings who are Extra-Terrestrials, meaning not from Earth. We highly applaud the accomplishments of Dr. Steven Greer and his work to establish open contact with our star brothers and sisters through CSETI, especially the CE-5 Initiative and The Disclosure Project ( We also want to acknowledge David Wilcock ( and his very valuable information as will as others who seek to bring light to these matters.

However, we also need to keep in mind there are significant Spiritual considerations to such contact that many people are overlooking. The Ashtar Command has Lord Sananda as a top leader. Lord Sananda is a Spiritual Master. Lord Sanada is an Ascended Master. The same is true for Lord Ashtar. What this means is they are Masters within the Brotherhood of White Light, under Lord Melchizedek and Lord Sanat Kumara. Which basically means they have achieved full Christhood status.

There are several factors involved when connecting with a Christed being, some are more accurately powerful than others but the short story is that we are now required to “step up” and also engage in creating our Christed self so that we can interact fully with them. It is almost as if we would be more correct to add the catagory of CE-6, which would be engaging with them as fellow beings of Light who have activated our own Christed Light Bodies, for this is actually what will create the closest connection. In fact, this level of connection is what we teach.

And it can only be accomplished from within an individual’s own creation. Even if the non-spiritual 3D earth related CE-5 and Disclosure programs are successful, they are not programs that will create the New Earth and the Golden Age of Light. For that to happen, we must also take full responsibility for elevating ourselves up to the level where we can engage with the Christed Galactic Beings “face to face” so to speak. Some of the factors involved are:

First – Intention: Call upon them to assist you in your current state of existence for an intention. This is what individuals practicing traditional religion are doing. It is basically the act of praying. Prayers can work. New Age Lightworkers who send Golden Light up to the heavens or into Gaia do assist to some extent by sending these prayer forms out. If they are specific, as in, asking Ashtar Command to assist with the weather “where I live or where my friend so and so lives”, is a good intention to set. It is creating the words that begin to create reality. This step is required in order to make a change.

Second – Specific Action: Actions speak louder than words. The first step of intention is required but it is not sufficient to actually create the change you desire to see in your world. Stating exactly what you are feeling and observing about the weather in your own area and sending out the corrected vibration that you desire to feel instead, is far more accurate than a prayer thought form of Golden Light.

Important points:

  1. Notice we are not saying ‘assist my friend so and so who lives in such a such place’. This is because it is your own vibration that is important. Your own vibration is physically located with and around you. This is why raising your own vibration first is essential. You must first create a shift in your field, then ground it into Gaia, then send it up to the heavens. You friend needs to do the same thing in their own area, as they are the conduit for the energy there, and responsible for their own creation. It is a three step process. But it still requires more specifics.
  2. It is important to also direct this energy you send up specifically to Ashtar Command to use it to then expand upon it and send it back to your area. So just ‘Sending Love and Light’ is not enough, in this situation, you must also declare how you desire it to be used.
  3. You may need assistance in raising your vibration. The exact frequency of your energy field is the battery power you are using. If you do not have much battery power, your creation will not be of as much assistance to the Ashtar Command. This is why Walking Terra Christa works directly with (among others) Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command live and in direct connection in a group format. It insures participants can raise their physical Light Body vibration first by receiving the Divine Light Language Codes that assists them in doing so. Once this vibration is created and grounded, it can then be taken by the Command and expanded upon.

We hope that helps with an understanding of why active participation is needed from those who desire to be of the greatest assistance. ]

The February 8, 2014 Teaching / Light Group Gathering – Lord Ashtar emphasized why we each need to raise our vibration first before doing this high frequency energy work to effect correct change within Gaia.

[ Comment from Mike: this recording is almost an hour and we know not all those who call themselves the Wayshowers, Lightworkers, Torchbearers, Awakened or Enlightened ones are currently able to allow themselves to be in a role where they accept the deeper responsibility of doing that Light work. We know it requires devoting such an amount of time, effort and energy to carry out this practice. In time we hope this will change and more will be able to clear themselves of the lower dimensional frequencies that hold so many in distraction, and even judgement and fear.  As Lord Ashtar asks us in this teaching, “allow yourself to just experience”.  Divine Light Code Language brings frequencies of Light into our physical domain, something that we do not understand, and are not used to doing. For many, the lower mind interprets the experience and, since it is unusual, classifies it as strange and therefore uncomfortable. And this is why there still exists many forms of lower frequencies upon Gaia: because we are comfortable with them even while a part of us wants them to go away. It takes work however to make change occur, and we ask all who are even a tiny bit drawn to this level of work, to go farther and access that deeper level of responsibility.  ]

Selected Prior Messages:

Click this link for the January 3, 2014 Teaching: Changing the weather patterns on Gaia.

Click this link, 07-30-12 CTO Ashtar Command Olympic Light Infusion for an audio recording of the message from Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light regarding a crucial element in time and our power to ground the light during the summer 2012 London Olympics.  (We were asked to take this responsibility very seriously at that juncture in time to bring a higher vibration to the messages being disseminated.)

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Academy of New Earth Mastery - Fifth Dimensional Mastery℠ ~ Creating the Fifth Dimensional New Earth One Soul at a Time ~ Ascension Mastery Teachers and Mentors expanding the work of Dr. Joshua David Stone and the Melchizedek Priesthood with Fully Integrated Vibrational Divine Light Language Transmissions of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the God Force using the 22 Rays of God to teach, train, transform each student initiate's ability to achieve the deepest profound understanding of their own soul's truth.
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