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It is no wonder that people clamor at the chance to get up close and personal with orca whales. People have been fascinated with these creatures for thousands of years, and really who could blame them? Orcas are among the most complex and intelligent creatures on the planet and live in social groups that are similar to humans. Oh and they’re also MASSIVE, but at the same time, eerily graceful.

Sadly, this fascination with orca whales has lead people to capture them from the wild and put them on display in marine parks like SeaWorld. There is no arguing that taking such an incredible animal and putting them in a tank equivalent to the size of fishbowl and forcing them to perform menial tricks is cruel and completely unnecessary.

Luke Reilly, the paddleboarder in this video shows us the best way to experience orcas – in the wild! Surely, Luke was startled by the appearance of the whale, but wild orcas are notoriously uninterested in harming humans. After Luke gets a nice hello from the whale, it glides off into the distance.

Now that’s how to enjoy orcas – wild and free!