Erik This Kid Reviews Books's Reviews > I Kill the Mockingbird

I Kill the Mockingbird by Paul Acampora
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it was amazing

Mr. Acampora’s latest book is titled I KILL THE MOCKINGBIRD (Roaring Brook Press (May 20, 2014)). The book is a middle grade novel about 3 friends and their school’s summer reading list. Harper Lee’s TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is on the list and was a favorite of the kid’s English teacher who suddenly passed away at the end of the school year. The friends hatch a plan to honor their teacher by getting everyone talking about and wanting to read the classic novel by making copies of the book scarce. As their plan starts to work, the kids realize they started something much bigger than they expected.
I really liked Mr. Acampora’s last book, RACHEL SPINELLI PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE, and was anxious to read I KILL THE MOCKINGBIRD. I personally have not read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD yet, but it is definitely going on my “to be read” list after reading Mr. Acampora's book! The characters in I KILL THE MOCKINGBIRD are very realistic middle school-aged characters and it made them enjoyable to read about. I love all of the humor in the book, and it even made me laugh during the more tense parts because of it. I loved the Christmas pictures scene, Fat Bob, the scene where Michael was reading FAHRENHEIT 451. Overall, the book is a quick read but there is an awesome story packed into those 176 pages!
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September 20, 2014 – Shelved

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message 1: by Brian (new)

Brian Meeks Great review.

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