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Black Goats Are Taking Over King Street West And Tinder

Swiping right this past weekend was a whole new adventure.
Black Goats Are Taking Over King Street West And Tinder

Strange things happen on the streets of Toronto every single day, heck a random guy asked me for a $100 dollar bill on Queen W yesterday, but over the weekend the city saw a whole new breed of strange that really does take the cake, and even we had a tough time figuring it out. If you were at all on Tinder over the weekend (and let's face it, you probably were) you might have come across a bunch of profiles of people wearing black goat masks, not some crappy dollar store ones, these were some pretty fancy goat masks, and wondered wtf is going on. Don't worry, you were not alone.

Many concerned Tinderites (that's a word) of course began reporting these sightings, unsure of what to make of them.

Effed up right? Were these just enthusiastic goat-lovers looking for love like the rest of us? Was this some kind of hybrid Tinder blind date operation?

I mean when faced with a good-looking goat, what are you supposed to do in these situations?

And according to this guy, not all the goats were created equal:

Things got even more real, when sightings of these black goats started appearing on the streets of Toronto. People reported spotting black goats all over King West late Friday night, dancing, paying for cabs and handing out pizza (as goats are known to do of course).

Just dancing with a black goat, totally normal.

Way weird. But you have to hand it to them, these black goats definitely made an impression.

Did you spot any of the black goats? Let us know in the comments!

Update: Narcity has just found out that these black goats are part of some kind of stunt. More to details to follow.
