Steps to take for new gardens

Good day, dear friends and readers!

It’s time to start gardening! For those who already have gardens, this information will just be a reminder, though for new gardeners or new homeowners it will be a good advice!

Below you will read about steps on how to start out with your gardens. Plan out your flowerbeds. Because you do need to have flowerbeds 😉 to brighten up your day! So let’s get going:

Step 1: Mark it Out

1 step

Make your new garden the best it can be. Give it a fun shape with flowing curves or use it to echo the lines of your house. Get it just right by laying out a hose to outline your bed. Once you have the perfect shape, mark the edges with a line of sand or flour.

Step 2: Get Rid of the Grass

If you have grass growing in your new garden spot, dig it up with a spade or sod cutter. Or, if you have time to wait, mow that area as low as you can, then cover it with a several-sheet-thick layer of newspaper and several inches of soil or compost. Wait a couple of months for the grass to die.

2 step

Step 3: Dig It Up!

Now comes the digging. Dig up or till your new garden, removing any rocks, roots, or other debris. If you have poor soil, now’s also a great time to incorporate organic matter, such as compost. Just dig it in while you work the ground.

3 step

Step 4: Edge Your New Bed

Keep the lawn from crawling into your garden with a good edge. A trench about 8 inches deep and a couple of inches wide will stop even the worst invaders from crossing. Alternatively, sink an edging material around the perimeter of your garden.

4 step

Step 5: Site Your Plants

Though it takes a little extra time, placing all your plants before you put them in the ground can make a world of difference. This allows you to get the spacing just right and make your plants really will look good next to each other.

5 step

Step 6: Get Planting

When you know all of your plants are in exactly the right spots, plant them in the ground. It’s helpful to loosen or tease the plants’ roots before you put them in the ground, especially if they were rootbound.

6 step

Step 7: Spread Mulch

Other than amending the soil, the best thing you can do to keep your new garden healthy and low-maintenance is to spread mulch. A 2-inch-deep layer of shredded wood or other material will do wonders for stopping weeds and helping your soil conserve moisture during times of drought.

7 step

Step 8: Water It In

Once your bed is planted and mulched, give your plants a good soaking.

8 step

Hint: If your mulch is dry, it may absorb some water before your plants can. Soak dry mulch well to make sure your plants get enough moisture.


Posted on April 6, 2016, in Garden, Landscape Design and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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