17 Pictures Of Dogs Just Doing Their Jobs

    "Can this really not wait a moment, Peter? I need to finish this report by Wednesday."

    1. "That's an astute point, Greg, but I think you'll find I addressed this matter in the email I sent round yesterday."

    2. "So...do you live near this bit of town or are you visiting a friend?"

    3. "Are you looking for anything in particular? Who's the lucky lady?"

    4. "Listen, Karen, if you're late again, you're fired. FIRED, you hear me?"

    5. "Well, I'm terribly sorry, Ma'am, but your booking doesn't seem to be on our records."

    6. "Well, I'm glad someone has bothered to show up to this meeting, I'll be sending a strongly worded email round to the others."

    7. "Please don't be worried – I just wanted a chat about how you feel your performance is going."

    8. "Ooh, Katie's sent me a Gchat. I wonder if it's about what happened at the office party."

    9. "Now, this isn't the first meeting we've had to have in the past month, is it?"

    10. "Can this really not wait a moment, Peter? I need to finish this report by Wednesday."

    11. "Please, take a seat! I have some exciting opportunities I wanted to discuss with you."

    12. "Why does Christine have to laugh so loudly? Some of us are trying to work."

    13. "Why, yes, I would like to come to after-work drinks."

    14. "I feel completely fucked. I'm never going to the pub on a Tuesday night again."

    15. "Just firing off an email to Julie from accounts, but I'll be heading out shortly."

    16. "I know you'll have heard it before, but honestly, when the computer freezes your best bet is turning it off and then on again."

    17. "Sorry, can you close the door? I'm in a Skype meeting with the office in New York."