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Watching Out For Teachers' Biggest Enemy

This article is more than 8 years old.

Stress is one of the biggest dangers in the workplace, but knowing how to identify stress - both in yourself and in others – is the first step towards neutralizing the threat.

Stress is rapidly becoming the curse of teachers. Excessive workload, increasing expectations and the demands of parents are all combining to make the job more pressured than ever before.

A survey by one of the U.K.’s main teaching unions earlier this year found that more than eight out of 10 teachers had reported workplace stress, with workload by far the chief cause.

Two thirds said the job had damaged their mental or physical health, almost half had seen a doctor because of work-related health problems and one in 20 had been hospitalized as a result.

It’s no surprise that, according to an insurance company specializing in covering staff absence in schools, stress is the second biggest reason – after maternity – for teachers taking time off.

And with teacher recruitment in crisis, it is has never been more important for teachers to be able to spot the signs of stress, both in themselves and in colleagues, and for school leaders to be able to recognize when their staff are struggling to cope.

There are a number of indicators to watch out for, including:

         Increased moodiness and irritability, particularly over minor matters that would not previously have caused concern, and especially when it represents a sharp contrast to previous behaviour;

         Frequent minor illnesses and short-term absences: stress can lead to a lowering of the immune system, as well as an increased readiness to take time off;

         Tiredness: stress can disrupt sleep patterns and colleagues may appear more tired than normal;

         Hyper-sensitivity:  stress can easily make sufferers feel overwhelmed and produce a heightened emotional response to everyday obstacles. If staff burst into tears, or suddenly get very angry, over relatively trivial issues, it may be a sign they are suffering from stress;

         Disorganization: stress can inhibit the ability to think rationally and relatively straight-forward duties become daunting. If a member of staff starts forgetting break duty or their marking is getting on top of them, it could be the result of stress;

         Lack of concentration: stress can make the mind flit from one subject to another, preventing sufferers from fixing on a particular task. Teachers may increasingly lose their thread in class, or may struggle to focus in meetings;

         Forgetfulness: a sudden blank or forgetting regular tasks can be an indicator of stress;

         Anxiety and worrying: sufferers from stress may find themselves becoming increasingly pessimistic and start to catastrophize, turning minor setbacks into major disasters;

         Changes in appetite: stress can produce dramatic shifts in eating habits, either putting sufferers off their food or leading to binge eating. Rapid changes in weight, whether loss or gain, can indicate stress;

         Substance misuse: sufferers often choose to deal with stress by turning to alcohol or other drugs. Previously relatively abstemious colleagues who appear to be regularly hungover may be dealing with stress;

         Agitation: stress can be manifested in agitated body language, such as pacing around, nail-biting or avoiding eye-contact;

         Changes in appearance: colleagues who are suffering from stress may cease to take pride in their appearance and may frequently appear dishevelled;

         Avoidant behaviour: stress may make people want to run away and hide, particularly from senior managers. They may also be anxious about being asked if anything is wrong, or quickly shut a conversation down, in case they get over-emotional.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and anyone who feels they may be suffering from stress should speak to a medical adviser. Some of these ‘symptoms’ may also be exhibited by teachers not suffering from stress – often it is changes in behaviour, rather than the behaviour itself, that can be a clue.

The Teacher Support Network, a U.K. charity working in the field of teachers’ emotional and physical well-being, has produced a guide including practical tips on how to cope with stress, as well as some of the signs to look out for.

But although an effective response to stress should be a part of any school leader’s armoury, it can be more productive to avoid stress in the first place.

Of course stress is often a response to external pressures, but there are steps leaders can take to help staff deal with it.

In my next post, I will look at how leaders can help prevent stress by building resilience among their staff. But in the meantime, spotting when someone is suffering from stress is the first step towards making sure they get help.


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