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Turn Off Your VPN/Proxy/Private Browsing and turn off your iCloud Private Relay before Logging In, per your agreement with the AHA TOS.

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  • Forgot your password?

Hello AHA and JAFF folk,

A. If this is your first login since Sept. 1, 2021, please start by pressing the "Forgot your password?" link below the blue Sign In button.

B. If you try to login before resetting your password, you will be sent back to this screen. If you try to login more than 4 times, the software will lock you out.

    Login Troubleshooting Guide:
  1. Turn off your VPN (Virtual Private Server) or Proxy Server or private browsing window, if you are using one.
  2. Reset your password at the "Forgot your password?" link if you have not done so since Sept. 1, 2021.
  3. Check your email for the reset password email. Look in your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.
  4. Don't see an email from meryton.com's admins? Then add our meryton.com domain to your email's contact list or whitelist.
  5. If you are not able to receive a Forgot Your Password reset email due to the fact you can't remember your email you used or it has been more than two years since you logged in, then please click on "Sign Up" above and sign up for a new account. When the Admins email you to verify, please let them know that you had a previous account and tell them your username so that they can help you sort it out.

Thank you,

A Happy Assembly

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