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A few of the kids from the ICU today…


It is such a joy to see Lydiana smiling.  She has made great progress in the past few months.

IMG_6643 (800x533)Maus is weak and sick still from his severe malnutrition.  We are hopeful that we will see a smile soon from him.
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Loubens mom went to two hospitals to find help for her son that had a huge abscess on his back.  The hospital’s were full and had no room for them.  The first day we drained it had about 3 cups of puss in it. He was finally able to sleep that night.  His mama is staying with him during his healing time so he can continue to breastfeed.

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Francelene is little but has a huge smile for everyone!

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Mikalove has just been here a few days.  She still is very sick but beginning to regain some of her strength.

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Naiderson is struggling to stay alive with many medical issues.

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Blandine is one of the saddest kids we have had in a long time.  She does not make eye contact or even raise her head up to look at others.  She refuses to eat and is still very sick and recovering from severe kwashiorkor. IMG_6798 (800x533)

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