A social media campaign which was launched to offer sufferers of domestic violence support has been pulled over fears it could alert abusers to their calls for help.

The Black Dot Campaign encourages those subject to domestic violence to draw a simple black dot on the palm of their hands as a sign to alert others to their situation.

The campaign's Facebook page was inundated with people adding the telltale dot with mascara, pen, anything black.

Help: Facebook user Jenn Hunton posted about the initiative on her page - and the status was shared more than 56,000 times

But now there are concerns that controlling abusers will see the dot - and it could make situations worse.

Sandra Horley of domestic violence charity Refuge said that "it may be dangerous for some women if they take part" now that the campaign has gone viral.

She told ITV News: "Women who mark themselves with a black dot could unintentionally inform their abusive partner that they are trying to reach out and access support.

"This could have grave consequences – two women a week are killed in England and Wales by a current or former partner; 70% of domestic homicides occur at the point at which a woman separates from a man."

The Facebook page and Twitter feed of the Black Dot Campaign has since been disabled.

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