
I am pleased to announce our latest Free Read, Pornified: How Pornography Is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, And Our Families, by Pamela Paul. Pornography has become more affordable, more accessible, and more anonymous through the rise of the internet, and more people are seeing more porn at younger ages than at any time in human history. In Pornified, Pamela Paul explores the damaging consequences of pornography on relationships, the upbringing of children, and the integrity of the family through more than one hundred interviews and a nationally representative poll. In light of Students for Child-Oriented Policy’s conference taking place this weekend on campus (which the Rover is co-sponsoring), we are pleased to promote this insightful and revealing study of the personal and social costs of pervasive pornography.

To enter into the drawing to win a free copy, leave a comment on either this page or its Facebook equivalent. We will announce the winner a week from today, on February 6.

