Book 2: terrorbyte




Ellie Conway is back: wisecracking, kicking ass and using her psycho-prophetic talents to grapple with a murderer with ulterior motives, secreted behind a series of grotesque crimes.
Now a Supervising Special Agent, Ellie is confronted with outlandish connections, which include chlorine, bourbon, gold ribbons and missing children. She and her team race to find the link between these murders, the Pentagon, the Military, Eastern European terrorists and yet again, her poetry.
The most horrifying connection is that of The Butterfly Foundation, formed by Ellie and her husband Mac, to offer support and sanctuary to the children of mentally ill parents.
When Agent Sam Jackson is stabbed at a crime scene, a Russian FSB Agent, Misha Praskovya, joins her team, much to her chagrin.  His actions lead Ellie to believe that he knows more than he is prepared to admit about the perpetrators of the murders.
The case puts Ellie’s life in jeopardy. It causes her to question whether she can protect those affiliated with the Foundation. The realization that the issue is global forces her to seek help from the highest level to close borders, airports, train stations, military bases, in an attempt to bring to justice those responsible.

eBook ISBN#: 978-0-9814256-2-7
Tree Book ISBN#: 978-0-9814256-9-6
First published by Rebel ePublishers Nov 2009
Available in digital and paperback formats worldwide.

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