WebUpd8 Ubuntu PPAs Status

Atom 0.184.0 Available In PPA

Atom 0.184.0 is now available in the WebUpd8 Atom PPA.

Changes (since the previous version available in the PPA - 0.182.0):

  • The find-and-replace package now supports multiple root folders
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented copying and moving files in the tree-view with multiple root folders
  • Fixed a regression where multiple space-delimited highlight decoration classes threw an exception
  • Fixed a bug in the git-diff package that caused exceptions when changing the project path
  • Implementing and exporting an activate function in your package’s main module is now optional
  • The fuzzy-finder and git-diff packages now support multiple root folders
  • Fixed an issue causing apm install --check to fail Fixed an issue where opening files would incorrectly add root project folders to the tree view
  • The 6to5 library has been renamed to babel so JavaScript files previously starting with 'use 6to5'; should now be updated to 'use babel';
  •  Switched to updating the editor’s DOM manually instead of using React.js for improved responsiveness and startup time
  • Fixed an issue where the editor sometimes wouldn’t scroll horizontally after deleting the line above the longest line
  • Fixed an exception when lines began with whitespace followed by unicode combining characters 

Package info:

  • Description: Atom is an open source “hackable text editor for the 21st Century” developed by GitHub, which is currently in beta.
  • Package name: “atom”
  • Ubuntu versions: 15.04, 14.10, 14.04 and 12.04
  • PPA: WebUpd8 Atom PPA

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