Monday mindfulness

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I hope you enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend.

Due to the venue being closed there is no meeting this Monday.  The next meeting is on Monday 5th September.

Retetreat venues:
Amaravati the monastery I lived in, based in Hertfordshire, a short journey from Euston. You can go for a day trip or write to the guest monk or nun to arrange to stay for a few days.  There are also under retreats run at the monastery. (Buddhist)

Gia House, a retreat centre in Devon. (secular)
Sharpham, a retreat centre in Devon.(secular)
Samye Ling, a Tibetan monastery and retreat centre in Scotland (Buddhist)
Plum Village, a monastic community and retreat centre in France. (Buddhist)


Drop in class (open to anyone) 6.15-7.20pm (£8/ £5 concessions)

Gay and bi men's group
Time: 7.30-9.30pm 
Fee: £10
Concessions: £5
Venue: Friends Meeting House, 8 Hop Gardens, off St Martins Lane. 

Look for the large glass and concrete building with Gym Box on the corner, Hop Gardens is a pedestrian lane to the side of Gym Box.

Meets every Monday except Bank Holidays.
Apps to assist with mindfulness
Calm: gives a free seven day introduction to mindfulness practice. It also offeres a choice of timers to help you establish your own practice, starting at 1 minute then going to 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes or more.  It's very useful to establish a regular daily practice and starting with one minute might be a way of introducing it to a busy schedule.  You can sit for a minute and then return to what you were doing or if you have time let the meditation continue for as long as feels comfortable without worrying about setting a specific time limit on it. There is also an option to pay a monthly subscription and open up other guided meditations.
Click here for iPhone or Android
Headspace: this very popular app offers a free guide to learning mindfulness in daily 10 minute tutorials over 7 days, and thereafter a monthly subscription to open up other options. 
Click here for iPhone or Andriod
Buddhify: offers a range of guided meditations depending on your activity or emotional state. This is not a free app but requires an initial one off purchase after which all of the guided meditations are available to listen to.  It's beautifully designed and gives options such as 'work break', 'feeling stressed', 'parks and nature' etc.
Click here for iPhone or Android
Mindfulness bell: when turned on this app will ring a bell at random intervals during the day, reminding you to stop and take a few breaths.
iPhone - Lotus Bud
Android - Mindfulness Bell

Mindfulness Daily AppMindfulness Daily helps you build a practice with just a few minutes sprinkled throughout your busy day. A great way to establish a practice as it gives you reminders in th morning, midday and evening to take a short break and breathe!

Insight Timer: This app is useful if you want to set a timer for your meditation sessions.  There are also some free guided meditations by world renowned meditation teachers. 

Pause: Based on the ancient principles of Tai Chi and mindfulness practice, PAUSE brings the act of focused attention to your mobile device. Using a patent-pending technique and a unique approach to modern technology, you can easily start the journey to relaxation – anywhere and anytime. By slowly and continuously moving your fingertip across the screen, PAUSE triggers the body’s ‘rest and digest’ response, quickly helping you regain focus and release stress within minutes. The calming audiovisual feedback in the app is designed to help you keep your attention and focus in the present moment. £1.49

here for iPhone (not currently available on Android)

Mindfulness Daily:
 Being mindful is often out of reach when we need it most. Mindfulness Daily helps you build a practice with just a few minutes sprinkled throughout your busy day.

Click here for website

Happier: record your happy moments! an app for supporting a daily gratitude practice.

Click here for iPhone or Android 

Yoga tuition
iPhone  Yoga Studio includes 65 ready-made classes. Choose your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced), duration (15, 30 or 60 minutes) and focus (strength, flexibility, relaxation, balance or combination) to find the perfect class for you. 

Android Daily Yoga is a yoga coaching app suitable for all levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced, providing more than 50 HD yoga exercises and the largest database of 500 yoga poses, HD VIDEOS, live voice guide, soothing music, social community, and more. 
Alarm clock: Finally, this is a useful app to use if timing yourself as it converts your screen into a large digital clock ( on iPhone you'll need to go into phone settings, then select general, and then select auto-lock and set it to 'never' or the screen will turn off. You can then do the same process and reset it to turn off after 2 minutes or however long you wish to set it for. I'm not sure how other 'phones work but it will be a similar process to turn off the screen lock)
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