Guest Blogger: Renee Wildes

My guest blogger today is Renee Wildes, who is here to share her book Marek’s New World. Welcome, Renee.
Marek’s New World by Renee Wildes

I’ve always been a tomboy, the complete opposite of my baby sister. Give her the dolls and curling iron. Give me the bikes and horses and pickup trucks. I’d play outside until it was too dark to see, sunburn and all. (Darn glow-in-the-dark Nordic genes…) My Grandma Jeanne, God rest her soul, understood me perfectly. She first called me a writer when I was six. And she took me on two life-changing trips that helped me give birth to a book entitled Marek’s New World.

Trip #1 to the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Went trail riding on my first Tennessee Walker, and watched a live-performance play in Cherokee, NC called “Unto These Hills” which portrayed the life of Tsali and the travesty of The Trail of Tears. I was in tears as an impressionable 2-year-old.

Trip #2 to Yellowstone National Park, when I got to watch a male tourist trying to get an up-close-and-personal photo with a buffalo that was pawing the ground and throwing some truly impressive horns around…and the poor park ranger who had to convince the moron it probably was in his best interests to retreat. Now. She was an awesome mix of diplomat and dictator, trying to save the guy’s hide when part of her probably wanted to just let Mother Nature weed stupid out of our gene pool…

Fast forward to 2009, when Wild Rose Press was doing their “Got Wolf?” contest. Donna Marie Rogers talked me into writing something for it. I kept telling her I didn’t write short, but she told me, “Try.” I haven’t been able to resist a dare since I was a kid. So, I took that blonde female park ranger, made her a wolf-shifter, added a handsome Native American hero, then tossed in time travel, an earthquake, and a demon on the loose. Stirred into Marek’s New World. Which finalled and was initially published by Wild Rose Press, then our rights were released. It was accepted by Noble Publishing for re-release…and then they folded.

Fast forward to 2013, when I queried Tirgearr Publishing and Marek was contracted, reworked and re-released. New cover, new scenes, new home. Set in early spring in Kootenai National Forest on the MT/ID/Canadian borders. Took a man out of time and place, and gave him the only woman who can help him and doesn’t think he’s crazy.

I had a lot of fun traveling, and writing. I hope people will enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

BLURB: When park ranger Cheyenne Rafferty’s truck is destroyed by an earthquake, she doesn't think her day can get any worse. Until she runs afoul of a demon from the ancient past - and the compelling warrior who followed it forward in time.

Hero Marek awakens 2000 years in the future, to a world all but incomprehensible. Sent to teach modern warriors to combat the Reynak, he now finds the demon the only thing familiar. His people and their epic struggle have been lost to the passage of time. The only one willing to help him is a daughter of the earth, a beautiful shifter woman with the heart of a wolf.


I have a new website in the works, but in the meantime you can visit me at Tirgearr and on Facebook and Twitter at:
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Published on March 18, 2017 06:33 Tags: demon, marek-s-new-world, paranormal, renee-wildes, shifter, time-travel
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message 1: by Renee (new)

Renee Oh wow - LOL typo notice - I was TWELVE when I went to NC, not TWO.

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