Posted in Mission Stories

Happy Belated Birthday Gabe!

On Thursday Mamita came to KY for a visit! On Friday everyone went to a Latin Festival downtown Lexington! AND on Saturday we celebrated Gabriel’s birthday.


Gabriel turned 9 years old on July 21st! Most of his birthday parties have all been in Haiti. So this year he asked for an “American” party! So we planned a party at Champs in Lexington, KY.  The party went from 12pm-5pm! (BOY ARE WE WORE OUT!)

We started off our time skating. I WISH you could have been there to see Momma Gigi skate for the first time! It was hilarious! She couldn’t stand-up to save her life. Malaya & I helped her and she took us down! She made it about 5 feet and then fell. Made it another 10 feet and fell again. She decided she was done and wanted to come back but she was stuck on the little wall. Kids are skating around her and she can’t figure out how to move 5 feet to get back to the carpeted area! We laughed so hard we nearly peed our pants!

Levi didn’t skate since he’s still recovering from his surgery. Asher & Gabriel fell so much –  after a while they just crawled. Rosie would get stuck by the wall so Jose would have to walk across the rink to help her (he wore regular tennis shoes). Izzy preferred skating on the carpeted area. Mikela actually loved it. Took her awhile to catch her balance but by the end she was a skating queen.

I actually skated for about 3o minutes myself. Back in the my college days I bought a nice pair of in-line skates and would skate around my sister’s church. WOW – a lot changes in 15 years. I was pretty proud of myself until….. I flatlined right in front of everyone. That’s what happens when you get cocky. I’m pretty sure when I fell –  it was so hard my bottom jumped right up through my throat. (I may or may not have had a hernia repair a few days ago….  probably NOT the wisest thing to do. It didn’t take long to regret that.)

After skating they played video games and then we got the party room for an hour! I must say everyone who was partying in the other rooms –  they were pretty jealous of ours. Of course I brought out the streamers and balloons. The party rooms are all glass walls. While most of the other rooms sat and ate – we partied!

Gabriel wanted games so we played:  hot potato, musical chairs/papers, we tied a balloon around their ankle & they had to pop each other’s balloon while protecting their own, put an oreo on your forehead & get it to your mouth without touching it, put vaseline on your nose and without using your hands try to move cotton balls from one table to a chair, AND unwrap a hershey’s kiss with only one hand! The prizes were dollar bills which they could then use to play more games at the arcade.

After our party room – the kids got to play miniature golf for 40 minutes. This is my least favorite thing to do as the kids were completely nuts! There were balls flying every where!

Then they went to play laser tag! The kids absolutely loved this part! They could have done this all day.

After laser tag they got to go through a laser maze. For the maze there’s lasers going in 20 directions and you have step over, crawl under, and try to get through it without letting the laser touch you.

It’s 2:30am and we are COMPLETELY exhausted! We have to drive Mamita to the airport at 4am so we’re just staying up. Did I mention I can’t wait to go back home to Haiti just so I can sleep for a few days?

Here are just a few clips from our day – we were too busy to video much. But we did capture Momma Gigi hanging onto the wall unable to move while others kept going around her! 🙂


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

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