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21 Signs You Went To French Immersion

Nous Avons, Vous Avez.

1. You tack on random 'e's to the ends of English words.

2. You know that this is a lifeline.

3. You know the stress of frantically switching your conversation to French as the teacher walks by.

4. You know that this guy is basically in every French movie.

5. You know it's not "LA". It's "ELA" and "FLA".

6. You know that your chances of actually understanding the French movie shown in class were like 25%.

7. You're well acquainted with the awkwardness of seeing a teacher in the real world and carrying on a cringe-worthy conversation in stilted French.

8. You never called your female teachers by their last names. Only "Madame".

9. You've read all of these.

10. You know the panic that sets in when you're called on in class to recite a number like "184,567" out loud.

11. Your parents have tried to force you to show off your French "skills" during family gatherings on more than one occasion.

12. These words still give you anxiety: passé composer, future simple, imparfait, and–good lord—plus-que-parfait.

13. You know the agony of trying to do math homework with your parents and not knowing what ANY of the symbols are called in English.

14. You probably still know the words to this:

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And everyone went around saying "SACRÉ Charlemagne!" for weeks.

15. You keep accidentally writing this: 5.00$

16. Three vodka shots and you're suddenly fluent.

17. You have a solid appreciation for the beauty of Le Petit Prince.

18. You know that reading Molière instead of Shakespeare was NOT easier.

19. You went to Quebec expecting to finally "use your French" and understood nothing.

20. But then you went to Paris expecting the worst and it actually went pretty well.

21. At the very least, French Immersion helped you gain some perspective.

It's been almost four years since I was in French Immersion and to this day I'm still thankful whenever I get to write an essay in English.

French Immersion makes normal school look better.

And, while it may be hard to admit, you kind of loved it.