Dear Christian:

We invite you to join us as we launch a comprehensive regional and local campaign to end domestic and sexual violence through a Christ-centered, Scripture-saturated, biblically sound approach.

My name is Holly T. Ashley. I am married to Pastor David Ashley, and we work in the field of domestic and sexual violence.

I came into this field as a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault nearly forty years ago after being victimized by my abusers and then again by law enforcement and the justice system.

We did good work back then and set up great systems, funding, laws, services, and resources. But it did not take long before evil, immoral corporations and the government got involved, and here we are – forty years later and not one redeeming value to show for it.

After watching the steady decline of values, morals, and frankly common sense; while watching the rise of abuse, rape, and violence in nearly every demographic possible – It has become our new mission to declare an end to this madness and say “NO MORE!” No more to the woke ideologies and unholy, ignorant fallacies preventing real solutions to the issues that cause an individual to commit domestic and sexual violence.

For nearly forty years, the secular coalitions and psychological babblers have tried to destroy the very foundation of this country with irreverent, unrighteous, and evil solutions to domestic and sexual violence.

For four decades, we, as Christians, have laid down our two-edged sword and allowed these family-hating, biblical deniers to destroy God’s design for men, women, children, and the family unit as they declare the Bible to be hate speech; men toxic, children disposable, marriage unnecessary, gender an identity, yet they endorse the union of marriage to be held in honor – but only when it is in direct violation of God’s holy design.

As a result, we have a new American image of the family: One which results in the number one form of domestic abuse being between sibling and sibling, women cannot be defined, men are toxic, gender is optional, sexual immorality is celebrated, and the murder of a child is heroic.

No more are women to be held in the high regard put in place by God Himself, where they are to be protected and provided for the godly gift they are – not to mention the explicit definition of excellence and noble virtue – but instead, they are exploited, violated, mutilated, and redefined.

Offender treatment programs are being reported as nothing more than a classroom whereby batterers are being trained in new forms of vernacular and tactics to manipulate the justice system and their next victim.

Victims are being taught that there is no alternative but to resign to being a survivor for their life’s duration rather than discover the victory found in redemption, restoration, and recovery through the blood of Christ that promises they will be “more than a conqueror.”

Law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges have resigned to reclassify domestic assaults as “verbal or domestic altercations” to avoid new laws, policies, and mandates that require arrests. Police reports go unfiled, District attorneys make deals for “on their own Recognizance” releases, and judges vacate mandated sentences altogether. At the same time, probation negotiates early release or optional “anger management” courses in lieu of justice.

All while domestic homicides skyrocket.

Our tax dollars are being denied unless unconstitutional waivers are signed, mocking the Christian foundations of this great country God has blessed us with.

We cannot continue to expect the world to do what God has commanded and commissioned His church to do.

It is time to put the protest back in protestant – and more importantly, it is time to give Jesus His rightful seat, and that is as the head of this proverbial table.

No more! To the woke ideologies and unholy, ignorant fallacies that are preventing real solutions to the issues surrounding domestic and sexual violence.

No more! To the discrimination of the Christian organizations, ministries, churches, shelters, providers, agencies, and programming.

Today, we will begin the fight to demand our seats at the table.

Today, we invite you to put on the full armor of God and join us on the battlefield as we launch a national, comprehensive Christ-centered, biblically sound, Scripture-saturated coalition to not only proclaim the gospel to this specific demographic that God has called us to minister to – but also for the right of all Christian organizations to do the same without the government’s infringement upon these inalienable rights.

Through the National Christian Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault (NCCADSA), we will work together to promote the following:

  • Create a system of Christ-centered, biblically sound services rooted in the inerrancy of God’s decrees for the biblical family, biblical manhood, and biblical womanhood on a local, statewide, national, and even international level.
  • Lead biblically informed, Scripture-saturated education, training, technical assistance, and certifications, as well as host the first-ever national conference on biblical solutions to domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • Promote our scientific yet biblically accurate data analysis consistent with God’s precepts for approaching domestic and sexual assault that includes alternatives to law enforcement responses, the woke ideological agenda, and culturally inappropriate methodologies for treatment, recovery, and healing resources.
  • Advocate for policies and protections under the Rights given to Christian providers by the United States Constitution and Its provisions, which allow Christians to freely exercise Christ-centered, biblical programming, resources, training, education, and services without government interference, coercion, threats, funding “waivers,” and any other unbiblical demands on any Christian program, service, or resource.
  • Create and promote the Truth of God’s standards in the wellness and retention of those who do this work by “equipping the Saints for service” with Biblical tools and godly counsel through a coalition of unified Christ-following believers.
  • Develop and promote Biblical strategies that combat the misinformed, unbiblical, unhealthy, hedonistic framework of the current coalitions and entities that denounce Christ and reject God’s holy design for relationships and Biblical doctrine.

“Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed”Proverbs 15:22

We must come together – For such a time as this.

Yes, there is a cost. This is a grass-roots effort. We will need money to fight this fight. We also need board members to have the blessings of your current board, if applicable. Registration and prices will be available on our website. Applications for board members require your agreement to the statement of faith, active involvement, and a substantial financial commitment.

For more information, please contact us at info@CrossStrengthMinistries

More information will be provided on our website in the coming days. and Cross

Redemption. Restoration. Recovery. (R3) is a Christ-centered, biblically sound, Scripture-saturated, domestic violence and sexual assault service provider and is a division of Cross Strength Ministries, a 501c3 non-profit organization located in Mt. Juliet, TN.