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28 Surreal Places In Nova Scotia You Won’t Believe Really Exist

Pack a bag and start your adventure!

With over 100 Provincial Parks and 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Nova Scotia is undeniably Canada’s most beautiful province. Some of the best hiking trails in the world wind through Nova Scotia, and camping sites are abundant here.  Atlantic tides rise and fall to record breaking degrees in Five Islands and The Bay of Fundy, carving gaping cliffs and inlets out of the deep red coastal rock.

The Maritimes as a whole should be travelled by every Canadian, so we thought we’d share a couple of our favorite places in NS for you to start your journey. The following list only begins to cover a few of the natural wonders in Nova Scotia that you have to visit.

1. Peggy’s Cove

2. The Annapolis Valley

3. Cape Breton Highlands

4. Crystal Crescent

Photo cred - bossman84

5. McNab's Island

6. Five Islands

7. Lawrencetown Beach

8. West Mabou Beach Provincial Park

9. Inverness Beach

Photo cred - breaghx25

10. Ingonish Beach

11. Clam Harbour

12. Melmerby Beach Provincial Park

13. Rushton's Beach

14. Cape Sable Island

Photo cred - chelseamf

15. The Bay of Fundy

16. Queensland Beach

17. Lunenburg

18. Cow Bay

19. Martinique Beach

Photo cred - jeanphilippe.pelletier

20. Eastern Passage

21. North Sydney

22. Glace Bay

23. Pictou

24. Windsor

Photo cred - breathedreamgo

25. Guysborough

26. Shelburne

27. Chester

28. The Cabot Trail

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