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Montreal's "Harry Potter" Theme Bar Is Finally Open And It's Freaking Magical!!! (20 Photos)

This is not a drill.
Sponsored Content Contributing Writer, Studio

Little-known fact about me: I was, at one point in my life, totally obsessed with Harry Potter.

READ ALSO: This Video Of People From Australia Visiting Montreal Has Gone Viral Because, Well, Just Watch It

I have all the books and all the movies. I even directed a Harry Potter school play when I was in grade 6. Legit, HP was my whole life.

Which is exactly why I'm so overly excited for Montreal's Lockhart, a magical, Harry Potter themed bar located in the Plateau on St-Denis Street.

Honestly, if you were worried that the spot doesn't do Harry Potter justice... well, don't be. Officially open as of March 24, this bar is fun, unique, and honestly, so, so magical. 

via @katdalmo

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