Save "Mount Saint Joseph"

Save "Mount Saint Joseph"

May 3, 2015
Petition to
Malta Government and MEPA
Petition Closed
This petition had 10,112 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by CLC / KĦN


Aħna, hawn taħt iffirmati, nafu li l-Gvern se jagħti art pubblika viċin id-Dar ta’ l-Irtiri “Mount Saint Joseph” għal “shooting range” u li din se tifforma parti minn proġett propost ta’ “shooting range” li huwa ħafna ikbar.

Id-Dar ta’ l-Irtiri u l-ġonna tagħha joffru ħin ta’ kwiet għal madwar 10,000 ruħ fis-sena. Aħna noġġezzjonaw bil-qawwi għal “shooting range” viċin din id-Dar u l-ġonna tagħha li taffettwa ħażin l-ambjent naturali u ta’ kwiet ta’ din iż-żona.

Għalhekk nitolbu lill-Gvern u lill-MEPA biex jissalvagwardjaw l-ambjent kurrenti taż-żona.



We, the undersigned, are aware that Government will grant public land in the vicinity of Mount Saint Joseph Retreat House for a shooting range and that this will form part of a much larger proposed shooting range project.

The Retreat House and its gardens provide a quiet time for around 10,000 people each year. We strongly object to a shooting range in proximity to the House and its gardens which will negatively affect the natural and peaceful environment of this area.

We therefore request Government and MEPA to safeguard the current environment of this area.

Petition Closed

This petition had 10,112 supporters

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Decision Makers

  • Malta Government and MEPA