Today we toast to the entire New Mexico craft beverage industry

Brian Lock, Chris Goblet, and Mike Zercher cheers to unholy alliances. Just kidding. To progress! To SB440!

Today, three heads in the New Mexico craft beverage industry came together to toast progress, particularly in the form of Senate Bill 440. Brian Lock of Santa Fe Brewing Co. and Mike Zercher of Santa Sidra came together to celebrate a union of craft beverages as cider and wine both went on tap (and in bottles) at Santa Fe Brewing Company. Leading the toast was our Beer Ambassador, Chris Goblet, as he (along with many others’ help, of course) led the charge on the Legislature. They all toasted to reciprocity and the success of our craft beverage laws as they go into effect today.

Bartender Shannon Fenstermaker pops open the first bottle of champagne in a brewery in New Mexico, and no one lost an eye!

Goblet began his toast with a famous quote from Francis Bacon: “To Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends …” and when the laughter subsided, he cleared his throat, becoming a little more serious, yet no less enthusiastic. “We all came together,” he continued. “Cider producers, brewers, wine growers, we took our petition to the Legislature. They unanimously voted to allow us to cross-sell to one another, to be able to proliferate New Mexico products across the landscape. Breweries now serving wine and champagne and cider. Vintners across the state pouring craft beer. We’re all going to need a lot more glassware. Here’s to a very productive manufacturing sector of New Mexico, growing exponentially, from year to year, into the future. To expansions. To new frontiers. God bless us all.”

Beer Ambassador Chris Goblet orders the first champagne ever sold at Santa Fe Brewing Company.

A chorus of “Cheers,” rose up from the crowd. This is only the beginning. It’s unknown how soon, or even how many of the breweries, will be taking advantage of the new laws currently in effect, but no doubt, you will hear about them from the Dark Side Brew Crew as we learn about them. For a link to all the laws that were passed and Goblet’s thoughts on them, click HERE. It’s a great day for New Mexico today, where much ground was given to an industry that gives so much back to our economy and our community. It’s certainly a step in the right direction. To continued success, to unfettered progress, and unlimited ways to drink local.


— Luke

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