Lola, the dashing diva!!

Jo Anne & Brad adopted Lola, after they read her Craigslist ad placed by Austin Pets Alive. Lola had been hit by a car and knocked out cold. The person that had seen the accident rushed her to the emergency clinic where it had been touch and go! With some fantastic vet care and a fighting spirit, Lola pulled through and was sent on to an awesome foster family.

Lola was 10 months and exactly what Jo Anne & Brad needed for their other dog Bingo; a little playmate and companion.

Lola is very perky and always has some kind of toy in her mouth. She is a precision squeaker remover, barks when her big brother Bingo barks, and follows his lead if he runs to investigate something!

“No one even realizes Lola is deaf, her body language and behaviors are just like any other dog out there.” Jo Anne states about little Lola.

Jo Anne also makes a great point when asked if she would adopt another deaf dog, “Yes. She doesn’t get bothered by thunder- it’s a great quality in a dog.”

Come by our TDAWG classes or events to see little Lola and her TDAWG friends in action.

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