We would like to thank J. Cornell Michel once again, for honoring us with an interview on Two Voices….One Thought.

We would also like to thank our blogging buddies for taking the time to come by & meet this phenomenal lady!!

And now we have a surprise for all of you. We decided to award not one, but two of J’s books. If you’re not selected please swing by Amazon & grab your copy of: JORDAN’S BRAINS A Zombie Evolution (her first book)


where's my dinner



And now for the winner; drumroll please…

Sorry, couldn’t help myself. The first winner is: Meno~Mama.

The second Winner is: Carrie Rubin.

The winners make sure to send us your email so we can get those to you.  n.perrone1967@gmail.com

Congratulations!!! And thanks again Jillian  😉 xo