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Ricky Gervais is more than the funny guy in the British sitcom of “The Office.” Aside from creating and directing in this and many other television series, Gervais’ latest appearance on the big screen is as a villain in “Muppets Most Wanted.” But, what makes Gervais even more amazing, is that he actively fights against animal cruelty and can be passionately vocal about it. Although he thinks he is “a fang-toothed, blob-nosed, slouchy slob,” we think he’s pretty awesome. Here are five reasons why:

1. Ricky Gervais is the ultimate “cat lady”

Gervais is the ultimate animal lover, and he shows it through his cat, Ollie. The lovable Siamese cat has had his fair share of Twitter pictures uploaded by Gervais. Ollie is so lovable that fans have created a Facebook page dedicated to Gervais’ beautiful cat.

2. He encourages people to enjoy a animal-friendly Christmas

Back in 2011, Gervais, along with other celebrities like Leona Lewis, asked fans to celebrate a vegan Christmas and holiday season, as part of the Humane Society International/U.K.’s Cruelty-Free Christmas Pledge. The pledge included not buying pets, opting for cruelty-free cosmetics, and enjoying a festive vegan dinner.

“Animal cruelty doesn’t really make the ideal Christmas gift,” says Ricky Gervais. “It seems so absurd to me that someone might think they’re treating a loved one to a bit of luxury by buying them real fur. Actually they’re buying them what’s left of an animal that’s been caged its whole life and then killed by gassing or electrocution. How luxurious is that? It’s the same with perfume – if you don’t check that it’s cruelty-free you could be buying a product that’s been dripped in a rabbit’s eyes until they’re weeping sores.It hardly says Happy Christmas to me. So the solution is simple, just think before you buy something – has an animal had to die a horrible death for this? If it has, choose something else.”

We definitely agree, Gervais!

3. He speaks out about tortured puppies in labs

Gervais spoke out against MSD Animal Health laboratory, a site where tortured puppies and kittens are used in animal testing.

“I Support the BUAV [British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection] in their investigation to expose this kind of cruelty. This senseless waste of life cannot be justified. Please join me in asking for it to end,” Gervais said.

4. He urges Americans to end cosmetics testing on animals

Gervais recently joined the Humane Society of the United States’ Be Cruelty-Free USA campaign, urging Americans to forego the cruelty-laden cosmetics and end this senseless practice.

“Rabbits and rodents forced to endure toxic cosmetics testing in U.S. laboratories, have no one to speak up for them but us. So I urge all Americans to be their voice, support the Humane Cosmetics Act, and make the U.S. the next cruelty-free cosmetics zone,” said Gervais.

5. He cries over animal cruelty videos on YouTube

Gervais has a big heart, especially for animals! Every time he watches an animal-related video, whether it be an animal rescue or animal cruelty clip, he can’t help but shed a little tear. That stuff really gets to him. It’s depressing, he said in an interview with The Guardian.

“‘Laboratory animals see sunlight for the first time,’ or ‘elephant mourns his best friend the goat.’ I watch something like that every day and I’m always in pieces, said Gervais.

Image source: Ricky Gervais’ cat Ollie / Facebook