請香港 法官 唔好忘記紐倫堡


雖然紐倫堡大審呢樣嘢,被陳雲玩到爛晒,變成爛gag,但香港有志做法官嘅大狀,或者依家做緊 法官 嘅,都應該好好重讀一下紐倫堡大審中, 法官大審(Judgesʻ Trial)果部分,甚至做緊律政司檢控官,都應該睇睇呢部分嘅歷史。

法官 同檢控官乜嘢叫做維持公義



  1. 串謀參與戰爭罪以及反人類罪
  2. 濫用司法程序以及處罰過程,而干犯戰爭罪行
  3. 參與部分反人類活動
  4. 身為犯罪組織,如納粹黨或SS成員

當中好多人,都因第2同3項罪罪名成立,喺被判終身監禁嘅法官Oswald Rothaug 嘅判詞中,有以下呢一段,

By his manner and methods he made his court an instrumentality of terror and won the fear and hatred of the population. From the evidence of his closest associates as well as his victims, we find that Oswald Rothaug represented in Germany the personification of the secret Nazi intrigue and cruelty. He was and is a sadistic and evil man. Under any civilized judicial system he could have been impeached and removed from office or convicted of malfeasance in office on account of the scheming malevolence with which he administered injustice.



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