How Weird, Little Synchronicities Can Actually Be the Bomb!

Art by Cherie Roe Dirksen

For those of you who don’t know what synchronicity is, please READ THIS.

Meaningful Coincidences

“Synchronicity hints at the unified world behind the illusory veil of the material universe” — Roger S. Jones

Synchronous moments usually mark major game changes in our individual timelines.

It could be that moment when you bump into a friend you haven’t seen in years that you just had a dream about.  You get talking and she’s the very person you need to collaborate with.  You both go on to start an amazing and successful online enterprise.

When you look back at that point in time, you just know that synchronicity bought you together and your dream was a breadcrumb leading you to success. That kind of synchronous moment is a no-brainer — it was Kismet!

Synchronicities are awesome markers and can change your life forever if you don’t brush them off as meaningless.

Seemingly Meaningless Coincidences

Okay, so what about those itty bitty synchronicities? You know the ones…

You trip over your son’s toy T-Rex in the morning.  You walk into the supermarket and there’s a big Barney the Dinosaur cut-out as you head in.  The soccer mom who’s carpooling today comes to the door wearing a Marc Bolan T-Rex t-shirt and you start to think you’re going crazy.

What do dinosaurs have to do with your life right now?

Should you be looking more deeply into prehistory?  What is the universe trying to tell you?

That your arms are too short?

Tuning into the Radio

I’ve got an amusing personal ‘mini-synch’ story to share with you: I was packaging a painting for a client earlier this week. I decided to put on a bit of Radiohead (who doesn’t like a bit of Brit rock to make the workload more tolerable?).

So, there I was jiving and gyrating about my studio whilst cutting up board and getting packaging tape in my hair.

I got to my laptop screen to get my clients address (which I hadn’t seen yet) and to my utter amazement…he stayed in a place called ‘Radiokop’.  Which, yes — you guessed it — directly translated means ‘Radiohead’ in Afrikaans.

I wasn’t even aware that such a suburb existed in Johannesburg but there it was, as bold as brass, and staring at me from my computer screen! I even did a Google search to make sure that there really was place called ‘Radiokop’ and…of course there was!

Okay, so what do I do with this bit of fun but useless information?

Does it mean I’m going to get a visit from Thom Yorke?  I don’t think so…I mean I wouldn’t mind — don’t get me wrong — but I don’t think that’s what it means.

What’s Really Going On?

In my most humble opinion (and I have given this topic some strenuous thought), I don’t think anything happens in our lives for no reason.

These little synchronicities could very well be indicators that we are on path.

Think of it like dialing into your best life — the life your over-soul or higher self came here to express and experience. The closer you get to tuning into your appropriate channel the more life will spit out these weird little markers.

They’re not to be taken too literally, I think they are just there to let us know we’re in the timeline we’re supposed to be in — a tiny wink from the Universe.

When we diverge off this ‘preferred’ timeline, I think our propensity for the wee synchronicities will become less…a little like the white noise interference when we are dialing out of a station. But the more we try to stay tuned in, the more these coincidences will light the way for us.

Just a thought.

What do you think? Balderdash or believable?

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Meaningful Coincidence by Cherie Roe Dirksen

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