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Montreal Restaurant On Saint-Catherine Street Now Sells Mac & Cheese Poutines

It does not get any cheesier than this.
Montreal Restaurant On Saint-Catherine Street Now Sells Mac & Cheese Poutines

Photo cred - Ste-Catherine & Burger RestoBar

Just when you think the poutine has been redone to death (can it ever, really?) a new Montreal restaurant wows our taste buds with a new iteration of the classic dish. Such is the case with Ste-Catherine & Burger RestoBar, a recently opened resto-bar just east of St. Lo, and their Macaroni & Cheese Poutine.

You could probably imagine what makes up the M&C Poutine, namely carbs on carbs on cheese. The official description is much more enticing, as the "Mac-Poutine" is created by placing a not-so-healthy amount of macaroni atop a bed of fries, then covered in a smoked Gouda and aged cheddar cheese sauce. Gravy and cheese curds combine in this dish, which goes against the poutine trinity, but we ain't complaining, 'cuz more melty cheese is a gift from the Lord.

As epic as the Mac-Poutine is, it isn't the only creatively decadent dish to grace the menu of Ste-Catherine & Burger. "L'Al Capone" poutine looks similarly amazing, covered in tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, and hefty meatballs. There's also the Mac-Burger with bacon, for those looking to double up on the amount of M&C in their life.

See more of Ste-Catherine & Burger dynamic dishes by heading over to their Facebook page here.

For more on all things Montreal, follow Michael on Twitter @MDAlimonte

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