Nov. 19, 2015 
DOUBLE your investment to reach students with the Hope of Christ! 
The 2015-2016 school year is First Priority's 25th year of ministry and it has been very exciting and productive. Tens of thousands of students are touched each semester in Greater Birmingham by the ministry of hundreds of First Priority volunteers and donors
like you. During the 2014-2015 school year, nearly 13,000 students attended First Priority every week and over 900 students made a decision for Christ! With life changes like these, a city can be changed and our generation can be changed. We thank God for His great power and we give Him all the praise and glory for the lives that were touched and changed throughout the year. None of this would be possible without you! We thank God for you and your continuous support to ensure the Gospel is shared each year in schools across Greater Birmingham.
At the beginning of 2015, nearly 900 students, teachers, youth leaders and parents attended our 10th Annual Leadership Conference. Because of the demand from teachers and principals, we are planning to offer another Leader's Summit in January 2016. In September, more than 30,000 local students participated in See You at the Pole. Rallies planned by local churches across the area gave thousands of un-churched students an opportunity to hear the Gospel. FPKids is growing vastly!
We now have over 40 elementary and intermediate schools with clubs and more than 7,000 students. We have new FPKids clubs starting every semester! This is the wave of the future for campus ministry.
None of this would be possible without your vital partnership! It is parents, educators, business owners, community leaders, ministers and students who are helping raise up the next generation to share the hope of Christ. We would like to invite you to continue your partnership and get involved in our Victory Matching Challenge campaign. Some friends of First Priority have gotten together to challenge the ministry to raise $100,000 in November and December, and they will match every penny donated! Your gift of $25 will be immediately doubled to $50. Your $100 gift will be matched to make a $200 gift and $250 becomes $500. We hope you will consider giving a gift for our year-end Victory Matching Challenge. We have been doing this campaign for over 14 years and because of the impact it has made we have seen tens of thousands of lives changed. Every gift of love, every prayer, every word of support to a Christian student, faculty sponsor or youth worker means that another student will have the opportunity to hear the life-changing Gospel of Christ! Please prayerfully consider giving a gift for our year-end Victory Matching Challenge.
Please consider sending a generous gift by December 31! A gift in any amount will be instantly doubled for twice the joy, twice the hope and twice the love to a student who so desperately needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ! Please let me hear from you soon! May God bless you this holiday season!
Keeping Christ the First Priority,
Greg Davis

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