Video: The World's Most Famous Trail Dog is Back - Lily Shreds 2

May 20, 2014
by Ross Downard  
Lily might just be the most famous trail dog with her first video striking a chord with dog lovers around the world with over 600,000 views on Pinkbike. Well she's back and ripping as hard as ever in this new must watch video for trail dog lovers everywhere.

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Member since Nov 10, 2011
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  • 215 18
 I have a cat...
  • 189 245
flag Spicy-Mike (May 20, 2014 at 1:38) (Below Threshold)
 This whole "oh look I gotta trail dog chasing me brah" is pretty lame and getting old. Being the trend-setter I am, I like to hang some raw juicy slices of gazelle meat to my backpack and let a whole pride of starving lions chase me. Much thrill, such danger. To be honest, it really motivates you to become a better rider. Would recommend to any aspiring pro league WC racer.
  • 62 1
 lily came back to let you all know she can now clear doubles better than you do...... and no beer for lily? come on!!!!!
  • 53 34
 I'm sure Mike isn't being entirely serious, you guyz. No need to neg vote him through the floor.
  • 25 6
 im sure if the dog knew where it was going he would pass his owner
  • 8 15
flag syncro (May 20, 2014 at 7:03) (Below Threshold)
  • 18 1
 Mat, Please tell us about your crazy cats. I bet your life is thrilling.
  • 66 12
 i thought spicy mikes joke was kinda funny, some people on this site are soft as fuck and cant take a joke. I thought the gazelle meat in a backpack with the lions was pretty creative.
  • 5 3
 Talk about a coach biting at your heels to make you faster!!!
  • 36 6
 welcome to PB home of the neg propping 16 year old
  • 12 10
 Poor Spicy-Mike... I, for one, enjoyed your post! @ Rickyetardo - if a 16 year old says something stupid (which often happens, being as they're 16 and have zero life experience) then he deserves to be neg-repped. Why go easy? PB is equal opportunity for haterz.
  • 4 1
 It wasn't stupid, it was quite amuzing tbh!
  • 8 1
 holly shit that dog is batter at jumping then me Razz ... but really the dog is much better.
  • 11 10
 Ive got 3 things to say. 1.That dog is rad. B. Theres nothing better than getting out on the trail with mans best friends, cept maybe pussy (not the feline variety) and 4. Be quite Spicy-Mike, why you trying to put a downer on a great video. I bet you have about 10 cats stinking up your joint dont you.
  • 10 3
 Sorry jops, this is pinkbike. If you get a single -1 , the rest of the humorless, non thinking drones must follow. They have to...they are the borg, and you too will be assimilated
  • 31 5
 Some people got the sarcastic point, which should be obvious given the nature of the internet. Clearly it was a joke whether it was super lame or not haha. First time being negged propped tho, the feeling is so glorious sniff sniff.

Idk about you guys, but who can actually hate or get tired of dogs keeping up with bikers hauling ass? Not me atleast. Obvious joke is apparently too obvious.
  • 3 0
 I am sure Lily enjoys this as much as we enjoy riding a bike down a hill.
  • 12 5
 Spicy mike your comment is pretty good coming from an american, I enjoyed it
  • 6 4
 Lolol thank you, i feel i have been vendicated.
  • 8 0
 That trail looks so RUFFFF !!!
  • 3 0
 why did he got downvoted that was comedy gold
  • 3 0
 my dog is so frickin' stupid, i gotta give you props on that one
  • 2 0
 Although, the American education system dosent
  • 2 0
  • 1 2
 I know I made the spelling mistake, was on mobile and was like "shit, someone is gonna correct me..." ahhaha
  • 3 5
 Not sure I liked RaleighVoid's back-handed compliment. "America" is a big diverse place Raleigh.
  • 9 0
 No we're not.We all shop at Walmart ,shoot guns and are obese.Tell the truth,it's time
  • 8 10
 Yeah when raleigh said that, I was rolling my eyes haha. All I'm gonna say is that travel the world and while some parts/places still fall into a certain stereotype, it's just very ignorant to assume a blanket statement applies to everyone.

1) Guns are universally important for self-defense, and it isn't just USA. Cops/LE are rarely first responders, they only come to the scene minutes maybe hours after the crime has happened to collect evidence or pursue suspects, the first responders are us. Legal carry's could have greatly minimized shootings that so happened to take place in "gun-free" zones that the suspect knowingly targeted. I blame the politicians for being ill formed, that's the real problem.

2) Nothing wrong shopping at Walmart, there is some ethical issues behind it such as employee treatment,etc and it's a shame, but there is definitely a trend/good shift towards other markets that come from better standards. Also, depends on geography. Other nations have their equivalent as well.

3) It's all a never ending cycle, lack of education, low money, soda cheaper than water, hooking kids and adults a-like on sugar. There's some interesting food-industry documentaries of how comparable the food is to like drugs. Would recommend. Anyways enough of off-topic.
  • 3 0
 the name of the documentary would be apreciated.
  • 4 1
 someday that dog puts his head on the back wheel and... you know.. end of the story...
  • 6 6
 Come on Spicy-Mike, America is renowned for lumping nations into one category because its inhabitants are so shut off and closed minded and by default ignorant, believing things like people from the UK all get about in black cabs and eat fish and chips in constant rainy weather, or Australians only drink beer and eat bbq food. As a nation you must be of all nations on earth the most ignorant and closed minded. Not meaning to be rude or offensive BTW, a very small percentage of Americans obviously are intelligent, but for the most part you're all thick as f*ck arent you come on, you seem intelligent so you must realize this. No offense.Wink
  • 3 2
 ZerOc00144 ,Sounds like your the one being " thick as f*ck" Every country has a % of the population that is NOT smart. Your generalization is a bad as the ones your complaining about. WTF does your comment have to do with riding bikes??
  • 4 6
 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. My case in point. Thank you very much rickyretardo for stepping up and living up to your name. And what does my comment have to do with riding bikes you ask. Nothing.....nothing at all.
  • 6 1
 Didnt this whole conversation start with cats?
  • 2 4
 Give an idiot enough rope and he'll hang himself. Keep typing...
  • 2 4
 Hey ZERO ( fitting name) you ride an Ibis? nice bike, Isn't that an American company? Yeah that's what I thought. Why don't you email them and tell them how stupid they are, because they're ....AMERICAN
  • 5 3
 Thanks ricky, your reply is both informative and to the point. Ibis are AMERICAN, I did not know that, so id like to take this opportunity to thank you for a second time. Thanks. Now do I detect a hint of hostility in your response some where, there really is not need I said no offense didnt I. If I have offended you, that was not my intention and for that I am truly sorrySmile
  • 2 10
flag c4mtb (May 21, 2014 at 13:33) (Below Threshold)
 come on guys how can anyone say americans are stupid when were are the worlds largest supper power and leaders in business and economic, and we are fuckin made up of all of you guys who immigrate here, there a reason why we are called the great american melting pot...
  • 5 2
 zer0c00l44 - As a welshman, it would be more sensible of you not to get drawn into discussing national stereotypes. Without meaning to start anything with you, there are a fair few assumptions we could choose to make about you, regarding the wooly little animals that wander around your hillsides. Point being, it's ignorant to make sweeping generalizations about people, based on their country of origin. The US is just too large a country to consist solely of overweight, bigoted rednecks. Claiming that Americans have a reputation for looking down on other nations, then doing exactly the same thing, is bullshit.
  • 3 1
 lucky you, i have fish...
  • 2 1
 Sooper noob. Hi, my comment was referring to what I see as a straight forward slapstick sense of humour that seems to be most popular in the US, in contrast to most Brit joke comments which tend to mean the opposite of what they actually say haha, and mikes comment was obviously not true, but we Brits and I'm sure some Yanks like to read it and go, "yeah, its not true, but what if it was, huh, huh..." Smile
  • 3 3
 I just want to say to zero, putting a nation, one that is populated by people just like you, that share the exact anatomy of you, under a pre-assumed blanket statement is pretty lame, likewise to Hitler's mentality. Of course there are some differences in certain regions of any country and there is undoubtedly a Bell's curve concerning people's intelligence, but in the end, don't be naive. "If you have a fat passport, your chances of being close-minded are rare."

PB is becoming like a Youtube comment section. Religion, politics, stereotypes lmao.
  • 5 5
 c4mtb, that was an oversight on my part, every one knows Americans are the best in the world at any thing and every thing they do and when it comes to eating the last meal of the day there is no nation better (supper power lol). As far as the great economic and business minds you have, I really enjoyed the world wide economic disaster they caused in 2008. That really was a great contribution to the good of mankind. And yes you are right America is a real mixed country, your great great great grandfather did a bang up job of decimating the indigenous population to the point of genocide, GO U.S.A. And the word you were looking for was "economy" not economic. Thanks for a great reply though, it made me chuckle.

Jops take a look in the dictionary at the words irony and sarcasm, my comment was made in part from reading spicys comment on a blanket statement and then doing exactly the same. Obviously I was not being serious ffs. But its good to read the aggressive premature ramblings of, shall we say the less intellectually astute members here. Not even spicey mike got that and he travels the world

Look this is getting a little serious from a remark that to any one who isnt as dumb as a bunch of f*cking rocks was obviously tongue in cheek and a bit of fun. But to be likened to Adolf Hitler is a little harsh. Though seeing who made it, ill take no offense lollage.

Look guys no offense meant lets talk bikes, Peatys the man, Gracia for president and so on and so forth.
  • 8 1
 "World's largest supper power."

Well, you guys do eat a lot.
  • 2 8
flag c4mtb (May 22, 2014 at 9:27) (Below Threshold)
 say what you want, but we are the most powerful country in the world, and as for our food yes we love it but you guys are basing you statement off of stereotypes not facts. We are not the most obese country in the world mexico is with nearly 70% of its population being overweight, and we are the second most athletic country in the world (Olympic standings), and we are the freest country out there, so i really dont see why there is so much animosity towards our country.

on another note, I do want a trail dog, they look a great companion to ride with, and Lily shreds like a beast!
  • 5 1
 I'm basing my statement off your poor spelling, actually. Figured it was time for something a little more light hearted. Don't let me stop you from ranting about how amazing America is, though.
  • 1 4
 oh yeah no i am a shit speller, always have been, and yes i do have a great sense of national pride but i do have one question pertaining to this article, does anyone ride DH with there dog ? is that even possible?
  • 2 0
 Course people do! I know Brad Walton has a video with a collie, but it's not quite DH. Can't recall any DH doges off the top of my head, but I can remember seeing them.
  • 4 4
 Received this from another member from the U.S. in a private message. This f*cking deadbeat must be straight out of M.I.T. (THE WORLDS most prestigious technical college) with such bright, insightful and intelligent things to say.


deadtime says:
Hey, suck a dick. How's that for "American"? The world revolves around the US. Just deal with it you stupid f*ck. I was sure you were a teeny, but I couldn't believe your a 40 yr old and so stupid. When I left my 4500 sq ft, 3 yr old house and got in my &40,000 truck to go to my $80,000 yr construction job I wasn't really thinking about how stupid my country is, but I'm glad you informed me how bad my life is. Dumb f*ck, sorry about your shitty life.

Errr and c4mtb, the last time I looked China were and still are the most powerful country in the world. Im not 100% sure but I believe a huge amount of U.S.A.s monetary debt is owed to China and their army is much bigger too. The last time the U.S. was the most powerful country in the world was many decades ago and then people only thought that because America said it was. America is the most powerful country in the U.S.A.

And BTW dude dont belive every thing you read 47.97367% of statistics is utter nonsense. And being the second fattest nation by 1% is f*ck all to be proud of either.
  • 3 3
 Yeah and everyone is just dying to move to China! Keep typing! your almost there Genius!
  • 7 1
 Just please shut the hell up about all this bs. This whole thing who is more powerful is simply beyond any of us and making you look stupid. Simple as it is, if you think one place is so terrible blah blah blah, sorry you're ignorant. Plain and simple. Every place has it's bad areas but it's stupid to assume it applies to the whole population. Europe is a great place, Eastern Europe is beautiful, Asia is crazy, America has it's places, North and South. Now just stfu. You live on the same gooddamn planet for fucks sakes.
  • 1 6
flag zer0c00l44 (May 22, 2014 at 13:12) (Below Threshold)
 Sweet 2 fucking knuckleheads replying in tandem. Asia is crazy, I rest my case. Im out.
  • 2 2
 coming from a guy who posts pictures his Casio G shock watch on PB!! HAHAHAHA how old are you 12?
  • 1 4
 If you looked properly you f*cking retard I had the watch for sale, hence the photo. And your sentence should read "coming from a guy who posts pictures OF his G shock".

Learn to construct a proper sentence in order to communicate better retardo. Jesus Christ. Honestly why the f*ck am I arguing with you you thick c*nt. All this because you were too stupid to comprehend my initial response to some ones post.

Oh and if you take a look at my profile Im 40 years old you f*cking dead beat. Cant you read much good neither?
  • 3 0
 War between Welsh an Mmmerica thanks for the entertainment you two ! You both need to go chill out and ride ya bikes shhhheeeessshhh !
  • 1 5
flag zer0c00l44 (May 22, 2014 at 13:54) (Below Threshold)
 Glenno, dude I am calm, im just jerking retardos chain to amuse myself is all.
  • 1 2
 @zer0c00144 actually if you watch the news or listen to Jim Chanos the worlds largest short seller, he is currently shorting china, there are numerous signs pointing to there collapse such as the housing bubble, credit bubble, working age population, inflation, corruption erratic prices, banking issues, and over all shitty building quality (the Laudong housing project is under a year old and already falling apart). On top of all that chinas debt of sooooo much higher than the US's. if you talk to the Chinese economist from Ballentine partners (she is Chinese and is currently investing in china) she talks about the very real probability of china taking away the free market, witch would cripple there economy. This is coming from someone who invest 2.5 billion USD a year all around the world including China, so there is no way in hell china is more powerful than the USA, you can not even leave there country with your money if you wanted too Razz
  • 2 2
 Looossseeerr, Only a 12 y.o. would try to sell his Casio G shock on PB, get back to work ( at your IT job ) no doubt. HAHAH dude I'm 40 years old wanna buy my $60 watch? LOL

" Can't you read much good neither? " WOW, that's great sentence structure. Keep typing liver lips!
  • 1 3
 Apart from your Social Security Trust Funds and The Federal Reserve China is the 3rd largest holder of U.S. public debt and that is a fact.

Actually f*cktard the watch cost £500 but please keep the replies coming its pure gold. Dig dig dig, dig dig dig.
  • 1 2
 Sorry, I "can't read much good neither" ,to quote ever brilliant zer0c00144

Selling your $500 watch on PB? HAHAHA , good luck with that Sporto.
  • 1 4
 OH MY f*ckING GOD retardo you really are mentally retarded, the thickest individual I have ever had the misfortune to come across. That quote above was written in response to your thick as f*ck nullifying babblings so that you might understand it better. But still you do not get it and you keep on giving these ridiculous infantile and childish replies and making a complete and utter fool of yourself.

And I sold My £500 or $840 (£'s not $'s tard there is a difference you know) watch on ebay for £850 or $1434 to a member from Singapore, these watches are quite rare and worth a lot of money, for a G-Shock any way, but you wouldnt know about that, you probably cant even tel the time RETARDO who the f*ck names their self retard

Heres some proof of what these watches go for before you start spouting pathetic childish nonsense on. Ive taken the listing from so its in dollars ($) so you can understand it easier. There is only one I could find because they are not made any more and are rare hence the high values they go for.

Ive explained to you as I would a child so you can "get it" OK The watch is a CASIO G SHOCK GWF-1000BS

Im bored of this now its like arguing with a little boy which is totally futile on my part. So f*ck you very much retardo and have a lovely day. My friends and I have been hysterical at your posts to the point of tears so if nothing else, be happy that you made a lot of bikers across the pond very happy. You couldnt write this shit its priceless. You thick c*nt.
  • 2 2
 No one cares, get over yourself. You've been fucked with and trolled beyond belief and too angry to see beyond it. Please write more posts on a dog chasing a DH'er so you may inform the world and bring the world to it's much needed state of enlightenment.. Just please. No one is certainly reading or really caring, if anyone is being amused it's everyone else lmao. Life goes on, and so does yours, or i mean, meandering time-consuming efforts of useless commenting for sake of trying to lengthen your e-weewee.
  • 3 0
 well these comments escalated quickly haha.
I have to say my favorite is still
kaia. I love how she like pumps the track her paws moving up and down over the terrain while been super smooth and fast. Still the best one in my books.
  • 2 1
 Spicy.....errrr thanks? :/
  • 48 4
 All I have to say is that there needs to be a doggy downhill race somewhere, you and your pup timed together. Im sure Lilly would be some good competition for my boy Kenzo.
  • 6 1
 Dude Kenzo is so slow, couldn't stand a chance Bamford.
  • 18 1
 Lily is on a steady diet of caffeine and crack... there's no chance Lily could lose unless... do you feed your dog crack? that's what I thought.
  • 3 0
 VOD got me super stoked to ride with my dog, jack when I get home! He's super fast too, all it takes is a little love in the cocaine and caffeine Wink
  • 2 0
 This idea screams Crankworx or Sea Otter.
  • 4 0
 jbam19 = genious. And any tricks along the way (rider or dog) should get seconds deducted from their final time because of steeze. Like a dog flipping a double, 5 seconds off. I think there will be a need for ASA certified doggy helmets to keep the humane society happy.
  • 2 0
 I'm in, I'm on my second trail dog, Karver (don't gimme shit for naming her after a shoe, my kids named her while she was sleeping in my Karvers, and they're 8 ) is fast as f*ck and fearless.
  • 4 0
 What happened to your first trail dog?
  • 1 1
 Obviously it was too slow and he left that turtle dog in the dust.
  • 2 0
 She died of cancer in September of 2013.
  • 46 1
 Lily got pretty slack angles but very limited suspension?
  • 2 0
 But she takes the jumps pretty well though. And at the end I thought that he will have a beer with her Smile
  • 9 0
 Was thinking her rebound looked set a bit fast
  • 2 0
 If you really cared, you would have a full face for Lily along with the body armour you have on her. Ha ha.
  • 31 2
 Maybe maxxis could do a tyre based on lilys paw design, she got awesome grip in the corners.
  • 25 4
 I almost started crying, that is a dream dog
  • 2 1
 What breed of dog is Lily?
  • 226 2
 Allmountain terrier cross Enduro retriever.
  • 7 6
 (Enduro) Jack Russell
  • 22 5
 so, an enduro-specific dog?
  • 6 7
 @Jim-laden Epic comment is epic
  • 13 2
 It pains me to watch dogs running trails full speed days on end. I have seen too many dogs literally wear their body's out before the age of 6-7. Trail running is a really high impact activity for dogs and should only be done in moderation with lots of breaks. Take care of your animals now if you want them to be healthy in their old age.
  • 7 1
 Can't agree with you more. I have a Lab and he loves to go riding, however he just can't keep pace with ease, within a few miles he is dragging up and ready to lay down for the day. Since Labs are known for hip problems he doesn't get to come that often. Be good to your animals...
  • 4 2
 Glad you said it too. My buddy's dogs shoulder was thrashed at an early age b/c he thought it was great to take her on endless epic rides.

I had a long legged, fantastic endurance dog that would strip his pads early on doing insane stuff to keep up with me and he eventually learned to pace himself and I learned to back the F off on the moto action if I was taking him anywhere.

But once I saw my buddies dog and a few others start limping and developing shoulder and hip problems, I shut him down. Luckily he was only 4 at the time. He lived to be 14 and could sprint wide open at a moments notice almost to the end of his days.

You might think DH runs and even big XC rides are cool for your dog, but they'll just about kill themselves beyond reason to keep up with us. Only do a few miles of mellow riding, not DH runs and epics with them. They'll be much healthier much longer.
  • 7 1
 If you ride with dogs, and watch the video, you can see that the pace is not too fast for the dog. She looks so fast because she is small, and good filming and editing helps too. I know, and I think most dog owners here know, my dogs limitations such as heat, distance, terrain, and decide if it's a good idea to take her on any given ride. I will give Lily's owner the benefit of the doubt.
  • 3 0
 I’ve yet to take my dog on a trail (wanting to) but have taken him out countless times on bike paths and roads with one hand on the bar and one holding a retractable leash. The unintended benefit is that he’s learned when he wants to slow down I will slow down with him. I’m pretty confident that he lets me know when he’s pushing too hard.

My biggest concern when riding with him is that one of these times he’s gonna’ get a floppy ear or something else caught in my rear rotor. Hoping that doesn’t happen.
  • 5 0
 No worries in this case, fellas. Lily is well taken care of and has quite the responsible owner.
  • 1 1
 So, what's the best best breed or the most recommended?
  • 2 1
 blat, it depends what kind of riding you like to do. I like a blue heeler it's a good midsized dog pretty much the best of both worlds, you know? If you just want to ride jumps and DH get a small dog like lily, very agile and light. Bigger dogs have longer strides which will carry them further more easily.
  • 4 1
 A guy who really cares about his dog takes him along for the ride instead of leaving him miserably fenced in the backyard without a companion. 1000 props to all who love their animal enough to let them live a little too.
  • 1 5
flag blowmyfuse (May 21, 2014 at 20:28) (Below Threshold)
 I gave specific situations joe-falconi. Dogs will eat f-ing chocolate until they die and be happy the whole time. Should I go lock on a feed bag of Hershey's ASAP? I mean...I was gonna huck my well cared for, wide open dog who lives on 15 acres in her crate in the AC to keep her from chewing up the Barbie dolls the girls leave out.

But if you insist, I'll run her mach 5 down a trail til she limps at 6 years old and I'll just put her down when her hips and shoulders are blown out at 8.

Reasonable, casual rides where dogs can maintain their normal DOG generated pace are way cool and fun for them and a rider. But that pace is NOT what the video shows. It's a dog running as hard as it can to keep up with it's owner. You can see her trying to prance in shattered rock at the first to keep from hurting herself.

I'm not accusing this guy of hurting his dog. I'm just using it as a sounding board to let people know that dogs aren't DH buddies and never were built for it.
  • 3 0
 Bizutch- you're claiming a lot for trails you've never ridden or seen in person and a dog with an owner you've never met before... you must not be familiar with filming either. Some of the trails featured would be considered really fun, flowy trails, not rugged trails on shattered rock (that was hilarious though). On some of the trails that might be more considered "DH" trails, they're filming which means the dog runs for 15 seconds and stops for a few minutes while they work on the next shot. It doesn't take many to get a dog ripping a berm or a 5 ft. mini double jump.

You claim you're not accusing him of hurting his dog but you sure as hell are willing to throw it out there. Take a few notes from Karl Rove?
  • 3 0
 @bizutch- My comment wasn't directed at you but rather just a positive comment for those who love their animals. You gave it a negprop; that should tell you something!
  • 1 1
 scott-townes, I understand what you're saying. I'm referring to simple things like 1:01 to 1:06 in the video. See the dog having to pick her way down? I am indicating that most all dogs will attempt to charge through things like that to keep pace with their owner and typically will hurt themselves in ways they can't express to owners.

I am not saying that this owner is hurting his dog specifically. I'm talking about the way we all ride in general. Tons of people take their dog on shuttle runs and far more take them on trail rides. Once a bike gets up to a good pace, it far exceeds the pace that even a forest wolf would hunt at for any extended period of time.

I can knock out 10 miles in an hour and most of those miles are within a dog's comfort zone, but once the wheels really get rolling, a dog has to run full throttle, wide open and charge recklessly through things they would only chance in a hunt. I'm trying to just ask others to think here. Not an indictment. Open thought.
  • 14 1
 Lilly is quicker than me I think...
  • 1 0
 Same bro
  • 4 0
 Exactly! Not only do the riders on put me to shame... now a dog too? Damn it...
  • 6 1
 I would so would love to get my own dog on camera, i have a Beagle Harrier we hit the trails hard. He's avg speed is around 10/14mph depending where we go. He's got some sick moves i would just wish i could pull over jumps and corners. At full speed I've had him hitting 29 +mph flat..... We do 40miler every two weeks. But that is great to see such little dog loving the jumps and even wanting to even quicker well done Lily hope to see some more videos soon
  • 3 1
 That is awesome. I would love to have a trail dog myself, but until I own my own house I am not going to get one. I would like to make one comment tho...Dogs LOVE to chase their owners on bikes. So much so that they will literally run themselves into the floor without complaining in the slightest. Persuading your dog to maintain high speeds (20mph+) for extended periods, or doing 40 mile loops will almost certainly start to show through premature hip/joint problems later in life. I truly mean no offence and am in no way suggesting you don't let your dog have the joy of chasing you through trails any more, but 40 miles seems a bit excessive. 5-10 miles at a good pace and short bursts (few minute dh runs) at max speed is probably the most I would be comfortable with a dog of mine doing. Now, I AM NO EXPERT, but I have owned dogs with problem joints before and I am pretty sure I am right about this. Maybe something to research before you go out on your next long ride with the dog.
  • 6 1
 I think certain breeds are capable of 40 mile rides, with the proper precautions and training. Many breeds are not built for endurance, but rather strength, sprinting, fighting, or pure appearance. I wouldn't take a 6month-1year pup over 2-3 miles, and not fast. After 2 years old, a very slow buildup could get dogs out to farther distances. Frequent stops, lots of water, avoid hot days, be realistic about your dogs abilities.

Dogs are just like any other athlete. With my "linebackeresque" frame, I'm not exactly built for endurance, but I can build up to epic length rides if I put in the work. The thing to remember is that dogs will not complain if they are hurt, tired, sore, thirsty, hot, cold, etc. It is in their genes to not show weakness. That's why some vets don't give painkillers after minor surgeries, because the dog doesn't "act" hurt. Seems sadistic to me, just like asking an out of shape dog to run 40 miles in the heat or rough ground. A fit and able dog though, it is almost more cruel to leave them in the truck.
  • 4 1
 Good points. Well Made.

I think the "dogs will not complain if they are hurt/tired/etc" is the one most people forget/don't realise. Thanks for the input. Smile
  • 2 1
 I have a border collie x Aussie Shepard, he will never stop. But you can tell when he's sore afterwards so I no longer take him for marathon rides. You gotta be careful with your pet, as you guys have said they don't complain or show weakness. Love riding with my dog however.
  • 2 1
 I have a pup must over a year old now. Golden/Poodle mix. Yet to be seen if he will be a great trail dog. My (really my dad's) last dog was a purebred black lab. Not a trail dog, but an OBSESSIVE bird hunter. Hardest working dog I have ever seen. Put a GPS on her collar once and tracked my own progress on my phone. She covered nearly 30 miles to my 10 one afternoon, crisscrossing the fields with her nose in the dirt, and that wasn't even an exceptionally long day. She hunted that way until we FORCED her into retirement due to front "ankle/wrist" arthritis at the age of 16. She lived until almost 20 and cried for hours, according to my mom, when we left her behind.
  • 1 1
 poor thing. lived a long time tho so must have been healthy/happy. Smile
  • 1 0
 I've got a 1 yr old golden doodle. Excellent trail dog. Those poodle legs get them going fast. keeps right behind the wheel on the descents and every once in awhile goes for the pass if i'm too slow. Just did a 20km with him this weekend. (more like 8km hike a bike up, 12km down.)
  • 10 3
 Dude, Lily is way faster than you. Smile I love her, maybe she can wear gopro as well? I'd like to see her POV.
  • 4 5
 Problem is the footage would be too shaken up.
  • 2 4
 ok, lets assume some kind of stabilizer.
  • 2 4
 I'm not against the idea, it'd be epic.
  • 13 1
 4 words. Chicken Powered Image Stabilization.
Just strap a chicken on Lily's back!
  • 1 3
 Hahaha, brilliant. Thank you for that image.
  • 4 3
 we tried so many times to get a gopro on her. too shaky, might work on a bigger dog though.
  • 1 2
 Soooooo, what about that chicken? Smile
  • 2 0
 Where does this take place? I want in. I live in Colorado and if I bring my dog anywhere near mtb trails I will be fined and kicked out. Regardless of the fact that my scottish border collie is faster and more dialed in than most of the riders here, including myself. haha
  • 3 1
 Park City, ut. there are a lot of trail dogs out here.
  • 1 0
 Damn, I figured CO would be super dog-friendly, one of the reasons it was on a potential 'places to move' list for me.

Living in CA makes me want to shoot myself. I've got 2 cattle dogs that need a TON of exercise + I hate running. :/

Park City is pretty cool as well. Are the trails legit 'dog friendly' or are leash laws just not enforced?
  • 3 1
 CO is pretty dog friendly in general but there are leash laws on most trails near cities like Denver, for good reasons. You just have to go a bit further away, into national forests, and then often there are no leash laws. That's where I go with my trail dog, no problem.
  • 1 0
 I live in Steamboat and have always lived in Colorado ski towns, very far from Denver. Its only dog friendly on paper. They love dogs as long as they never hear, see, touch, smell, interact with or come anywhere near, etc. Steamboat is supposed to be bike town Usa and yet over 90% of the rentals here and in summit county do not allow dogs, dogs are not allowed anywhere near any non dog specific trails regardless of a leash. Got yelled at by a ranger here for not having my dog on a leash while we were playing fetch in a pond. ????? Sounds like Utah has their @#it together.
  • 2 0
 ive seen some concerns about the dogs taking long term damage from being traildogs and since i breed terriers I just have to point out that the jack(parson) russelterrier is a breed that have been bred to accompany horseriders. They dont suffer that easy from highimpact and highspeed running as much as a heavy breed such as retriever mixes. As you can see lily is even holding back alot .Following the rider this is something that is actually natural to this breed and they used this breed for fox hunting were the larger pack of dog caught the foxes but the terriers in the pack went down the whole to push out the foxes.

That said every dog has a limit and you need to know were that limit is for your dog.
  • 6 1
 so i've watched a dog and then a ten year old sherd faster than me. good stuff
  • 2 0
 Oooooh, I could crush a grape!

When your dog shites on the trail and your just whizzing away, who the f*ck cleans it up? Answer: The next person behind you as it gets flung up off their wheel into their face.
And don't try making out you know when it craps because you bloody well don't, I'm sick of dog turd on the trails, nobhead walkers and their dogs, now we get nobhead riders who think its cool to let their dog crap everywhere.
  • 2 0
 Finally someone to agree with, I fkn hate dogshit
  • 4 0
 Lilly Shreds, Following on the same theme, check Amber Viszla out on you tube, 1m hits!
  • 2 0
 as the owner of a pointer type dog, that viszla video will always be my favorite! can't wait to go out and do the same thing
  • 1 0
 Ambers got almost 4 million views!
  • 1 0
 I know the Amber vids and live with one of the same breed who also loves his XC and DH. We will be making our own YouTube upload soon...
  • 1 0
 My dog always comes out riding with me I take him every chance I get minimum 3 times a week. He gets pissed if I grab my bike or Helmet and he doesnt get to come. I love seeing dogs on trails as long as they listen. My dog got his ass zipped twice now he gets out of the way and follows
  • 3 0
 RUFFWEAR way to pick up those sponsers Lily...! you deserve them I remember seeing you chewing rocks twice the size of your head in vid 1 2011.
  • 5 0
 Lilly is the coolest dog ever!!! Yeah Ross!!!
  • 4 1
 I love how Lily knows the course. When he goes for the jump, Lily cuts right through the grass and meets up after the jump. Sick dog!
  • 3 0
 yeah man I would be scared that my stupid dog would launch straight off that jump and hurt himself
  • 5 0
 Agree...though I did get a little nervous at the ladder bridge section. Just thinking of one paw between two planks of wood at speed gives me the chills
  • 6 0
 Fur missle
  • 4 0
 I reckon this is the first Pinkbike edit iv watched where the bike action was second
  • 2 0
 My Jack Russell would take exactly 3 seconds before she lost interest in following.
And attacked the first living thing smaller than twice her size! Seriously, how'd you get a Jack Assh*ole Terribler to stay on a trail???
  • 1 0
 i was thinking the same thing about my brother's jack. she'd probably just kill something, then bring it to you like an hour later as a prize at her leisure. jacks are too smart for their own good, and godamn maniacs.
  • 1 0
 poor lily is for sure going to have arthritis. my airedale is 5 and after 4 years of rocky rides she has trouble moving after lying down for a long time, especially in the morning. ive had to retire her. and i ride a stumpy not a gambler....
  • 2 0
 awesome vid.
where is this shot!? Utah plates on the truck by the look of it, but it all looks very green and forresty for Utah...
  • 5 0
 It's in Park City, UT.
  • 4 1
 Believe it or not, utahs best trails do not lie in Moab... Crest, Pinecone, Midmountain... Need I go on?
  • 2 0
 mixed in a few hood river shots.
  • 4 0
 Most of it was shot on Empire and Raspberry lane. The Bus in Park City is free, and it takes you to the top of most DH trails.
  • 2 0
 Great to see another video of Lily shredding and flying the flag for trail hounds everywhere... my lad Rusty now going nuts for a ride - thanks for that Lily!
  • 4 0
 I think he needs to go faster..... the dog wants to RUN!
  • 6 3
 Wow. Amazing dog. I can't wait to show my mom this video. She will love this.
  • 7 1
 *Insert mom joke here.*
  • 2 0
 don't worry, i'll show her later in bed?
  • 3 3
 Its like the 26"/ 29" wheel debate, but you definitely don't need a big dog to have a good trail dog! Archie is my fav Smile
  • 1 0
 If i was faster I would get a bigger dog! Smile
  • 3 0
 I think, traildogs is the coolest non-biking thing I learned about from being involved into MTB
  • 2 0
 I would love to see a race between Lily vs.Timmy from the Entourage vid!!! That would be epic plus they may make a cute little couple Smile
  • 3 0
 Have you ever run over the dog cutting it off in a corner?? Looks like you came close a few times
  • 1 0
 my damn dog is like steve peat always has to be first and runs like hes in a world cup dh. i love catching him off guard so i can fly downhill and stay ahead of him. i love the bike rides though
  • 1 1
 i am not a slow rider by any means, but i can never get in front my springer spaniel, too darn quick. On most dog mtb videos the dog is always behind. My dog must shred a lot harder then. #Followthedog
  • 3 0
 That's the question of dog's psychology, the one who runs first (and chooses where to go) is the leader of the pack. That's why trained dogs always follow at a side. So Lily slows down (and you can see this in the couple of moments) to be just a little behind the owner.
  • 1 0
 You got it right @gorgut, i taught lily to follow. Keeps her from getting ran over.
  • 3 0
 I unfortunately got my pooch once with the front wheel. He soon leaned and now trail blazes up hills but sits at the top as the gradient changes for me to overtake for the downs Smile
  • 1 0
 Rossimo you in PC? My buddy has a border collie down here in SLC and she is fast but always stays behind the leader even though she could easily pass. Need to do a doggie DH race lol.
  • 1 0
 yeah @mixmastamikal in pc. doggy dh race would be sweet, Lily will run full trails by her self.
  • 1 0
 My dog is the best riding partner I have ever had... he has never turned down a ride. Dogs are awesome!
  • 3 0
 I liked this and faved it before I have watched it .
  • 5 4
 My mate had a dog like this till it got caught under the bike and sliced open with the brake rotor. Horrible day. Dogs should not be allowed on trails.
  • 6 18
flag davr (May 20, 2014 at 2:54) (Below Threshold)
 Do dog owners realize they are the only people amused by their dog leave your dog home
  • 6 3
 I had a mate whos dog got hit by a car. Dogs should be kept indoors at all times. I have a mate whos dog nearly choked on some dry food. Dogs should only be fed soup. I once knew a dog who hurt its ankle running, dogs should have their legs bound at all times. I once knew a dog who died of boredom......

Sorry, I'm being facetios. I see what you are saying about bikes being dangerous to badly trained dogs. But that is the fault of the owner. The solution is not to ban dogs from trails. The solution is unfortunately to hope like hell that the owner of the dog is sensible and has the required level of love for the dog to train and look after it properly. I'm very sorry to hear about your mates dog, I hope he or she made a good recovery

And @Davr Dogs are not for your amusement. They love thier owners and hopefully their owners love them back. If you were in any way in touch with your human side (humans and dogs evolved side by side and infact have one of the most symbiotic relationships of any large mammal) you would love dogs too. Can I go out on a limb and guess you live in a city? Just a thought. Cities are crap. Countryside is awesome. Dogs are awesome.
  • 6 0
 I see dogs on trails all the time. Most of them are better trained than kids on trails, and more aware of their surroundings than adults.
  • 1 0
 The same kind of thing happened to my friends dog too. The dogs tail ended up getting caught in the rear disc brake rotor and sheared off about 2". It was a super clean cut and the Vet had to remove one vertebrae off the end of her tail to have enough skin to close up the wound.
  • 1 0
no offence meant Smile
  • 3 0
 Nice form squashing those jumps
  • 2 0
 LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was just talking about you the other day to somebody in a convo about trail dogs haha
  • 3 0
 and lily isn't on a 29er or clipped in, low center gravity.
  • 1 0
 Yeaaaaa lily love the first clip to. Soo sweet that your dog follows you and the hole trail and jumps over the jumps. Dude. She's the best.dogg know that !!!!!
  • 2 0
 Anyone else notice he left his truck at the top go that hill?
  • 1 0
 My pup Lila and I on a local PHX DH trail.
  • 2 0
 There's a place to go for fighting on a video comment It's called YouTube
  • 2 0
 where have you been lily I missed ya .2.55 slow mo I was waiting on that .
  • 2 0
 Lily is so fast! Awesome movie, vod.
  • 1 0
 What breed is Lily?? I have a dog that's part rat terrier and looks very similar.
  • 4 3
 Sorry but there is only 1 true trail dog in my eyes....

Amber Vizsla Big Grin
  • 1 0
 She's a superstar with 4 mil hits for sure - soon to be joined by another of her breed who also loves to shred!
  • 1 0
 Dog knew every inch of the trail, she didn't hesitate once when taking a different line. Awesome!
  • 3 0
 Nice rat dog...
  • 2 0
 I think Lily was trying to pass a couple times.
  • 1 0
 I was stoked to get out with my pup... Then I remembered she's a bulldog... And lazy.
  • 1 0
 *looks at my dog* naaah

he would just try to bite my foot off or run away and start trying to hump a tree
  • 1 0
 His life is complete. He's got the coolest dog and the best DH bike. So lucky!
  • 1 0
 One more thing should be done to make Lily a proper downhill dog, mount GoPro on her Wink
  • 1 0
 2:52 — That looks like the last drop / jump of "Three Blind Mice" in Post Canyon, Oregon…no?
  • 1 0
 If she goes that fast on her pawns and running, I just can't imagine once she'll got a DH bike.....Amazing footage to come.
  • 2 0
 gabriel-mission9 go walk ur dog!
  • 1 0
 I for one loved that vid the bikes sick the dogs immense and so was the ridings! Wish my rollweiler would do that!!
  • 1 0
 You got a beer and Lily ...? Wink Nice vid.
  • 1 0
 Would be funny to monitor dog's heart rate!
  • 2 3
 I don't think it would be so funny as dogs (especially terriers) usually won't stop even if they are tired. I know a few cases of dog having bad heart problems because their owner would make them run behind a bicycle or a car. That's ok if the dog does that a few times a year but running down a mountain every weekend will just kill Lily. I'm pretty sure Lily's owner stopped many times during the descent if he cares about her !
  • 1 1
 mine is not so cool, but here it is
  • 1 0
 What forks is the dog running?
  • 1 0
 If you need a dog sitter I'm game
  • 1 0
 That is one Awesome Dog Smile
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Where is this filmed!!!???
  • 1 0
 trail dogs are cool sweet video
  • 1 0
 I can watch trail dog videos forever. Especially if the music is good.
  • 1 0
 Nice vid. What town is that?
  • 1 0
 park city!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 Thanks for more Lily!
  • 1 0
 Damn im jealouse. All my dog does is hump my couch.
  • 1 0
 Mans best friend! Trail Dogs for life..
  • 1 0
 Most awesome clip ever seen long live the loyalty of the animal kingdom
  • 1 0
 Pretty cool video Lily should get a beer at the end to, she earned it..
  • 2 1
 It's nice untill you or someone else kills your dog with a 2.5 spike tire
  • 1 0
 ha ha. this is the best video I've seen Smile , good dog
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Scamper, thy name is Lily.
  • 1 0
 Good video, awful music choice.
  • 1 0
 That awkward moment when a dog can shred harder than you...
  • 1 0
 Was that all filmed in PC?
  • 1 0
 That trail looks RUFFF hahahaha!!
  • 1 0
 I'd do this if my dog wasn't stupid as frick
  • 1 0
 That was one bitchin' video
  • 1 0
 If you can watch this without smiling, then you are dead inside.
  • 1 0
 damn, she's following close!
  • 1 0
 the collie was a better trail dog, dude could scrub!
  • 1 0
 He should have put a GoPro on Lily.
  • 1 0
 Your not afraid of landing direct on her? damn
  • 1 0
 1:21 bra she got bigger air than you did
  • 2 2
 Amber Viszla.... Autocorrect...
  • 1 0
 Sweet airs
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 gravity need not apply
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 the dog shreds
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Trail dogs rule!!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 I like beer. -Lily
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 'she's faster than you '
  • 1 0
 Sic as Lily...
  • 2 2
  • 1 0
 Awesome trail dog breed
  • 1 1
 Made my day.
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