Made In A Free World

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The Senate voted 96-0 to hold in civil contempt after it didn’t explain how it combats sex trafficking in ads on the adult section of its website.


A statement from the company claimed that the Senate has attacked the company’s free-speech rights as a publisher.

Read it here.

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Made In A Free World Slavery Footprint backpage sex sex trafficking human trafficking online ads modern slavery prostitution

France’s National Commission for Human Rights is urging the country to take modern slavery more seriously.


“Human slavery in France is a little known reality [that also] encompasses domestic slavery, sweatshop workers, and minors who forced to work as beggars and thieves to help criminal organizations.”

Read it here.

Made In A Free World Slavery Footprint France Europe sex trafficking prostitution human trafficking modern slavery slavery brothel forced labour CSEC commercial sexual exploitation of children

“[Consumers] want answers to how much brands know about slavery within their businesses and what they are doing to combat it.”


New forced labor supply chain regulations are forcing companies to act. Read about it here.


Made In A Free World Slavery Footprint Modern Slavery Act UK United Kingdom consumer business supply chain human trafficking forced labor child labor forced labour child labour modern slavery