Media Monday: The Godwink Guy and “Today”

Welcome to Media Monday at Studio 4 PR! Every Monday, I’ll be sharing stories of entrepreneurs doing cool things. If I can’t find any stories of entrepreneurs doing cool things, I’ll share other stories that will either cause you to pause, cry, or bust a gut laughing. Most of the time, they’ll be relevant to finding and being found by your ideal client, but my main goal is to make them meaningful.

If you have a story to share about an entrepreneur, or something that affects small businesses, please send it to with MEDIA MONDAY in the subject line. I won’t post anything that’s offensive, small-minded, mean-spirited, or negative, so please be nice. Just sayin’.

Make those “one in a million” moments mean something

Have you ever had one of those moments when you thought “what are the odds of that happening?” Like you think of someone you haven’t seen in 20 years and that day you run into them in the produce section of the grocery store. Or you lose your job only to have your dream one land in your lap the next day. Call them coincidences, happenstance or serendipitous moments.  SQuire Rushnell calls them “godwinks”.  What do godwinks mean? Rushnell describes them like those reassuring winks you received as a kid from a beloved relative.  “It meant: ‘Hey kid, I’m thinking about you right now.’ Rushnell says. ” That’s what a godwink is too: a message of reassurance from above, directly to you, one of six billion people on the planet, saying ‘Hey kid…I’m thinking of you! Keep the faith! You’re never alone.’

ideal client, creative entrepreneur, woman

SQuire Rushnell

Rushnell, aka “The Godwink Guy”, has successfully parlayed the godwinks concept into a series of “word of mouth” bestselling books called When God Winks. There’s When God Winks on Love, When God Winks on New Beginnings, When God Winks at You, and Divine Alignment as well. Each book contains amazing stories of people whose lives were guided by a godwink that completely changed their destiny.

His “Godwink Stories” are a regular feature on the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda. Here’s the story that aired on Friday.

Now that you know what godwinks are, have you had one? You can share your story on the GOD winks Facebook page and get a continual dose of inspiration from its 206,542 (and counting) fans.

I probably shouldn’t mention this because it might make me sound biased, but SQuire Rushnell is my dad. I’m just so stinkin’ proud of him, though, that I can’t help it!

Thank you for sharing this space with me. Please share this with your networks.


The Get R.E.A.L Girl

The Get R.E.A.L Girl





Stay tuned tomorrow for Trending Tuesday, featuring the stories everyone is talking about.  Send items of interest to with the day it’s intended for in the subject line.

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Robin Taney

Robin Taney


Robin Taney, (aka the “Get R.E.A.L Girl”) is the owner and founder of Studio 4 PR.  She works with creative, independent, and “kitchen table” entrepreneurs who are highly motivated to be found by their perfect client. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and sign up for mailing list  You are welcome to use this post on your blog, provided you do not alter it in any way and include a link to this blog.

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