The Cendrillon Cycle, Volume 1
The time has finally come! I’m thrilled to announce that my novella, The Battle of Castle Nebula, (The Cendrillon Cycle, volume I), makes worldfall today, the first day of winter. If you enjoyed the world of A Cinder’s Tale in the Five Glass Slippers anthology, explore that universe further in The Battle of Castle Nebula:

She has nothing left, not even her dreams. But Elsa Vogel still has her duty, and she will do it, no matter the peril, no matter the anguish in her heart as she leaves her ravaged home planet, perhaps never to return. And the same tragedy that tore Elsa’s life to pieces also transformed the lives of others. Others who may need a reason to go on living, after the cataclysmic Battle of Castle Nebula…

The Battle of Castle Nebula ebook is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Don’t have an e-reader? Not a problem. Amazon offers a free Kindle app for almost every device.