A Nigerian living in Japan was inspired by the testimonies he heard on Emmanuel TV concerning the ‘Water Therapy’ and decided to try it himself!

“My Name is Emmanuel Agbonze. I am a Nigerian from Benin city living in Japan. I am sharing this testimony to testify of the goodness of God and our Lord Jesus Christ for what He has done in my life.

“Over 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a chronic digestive disease which occurs when stomach acid or content occasionally flows back into your food pipe (Oesophagus). Because of this, I always experienced heartburn, fast breathing, inability to eat normally, weakness of the body, chronic headache and poor vision.

“After listening to the testimonies of people on Emmanuel TV and how their lives were restored through the ‘Water Therapy’ introduced by the man of God Prophet TB Joshua, I decided to be a part of it.

“People of God, after drinking water as instructed by the man of God, all the symptoms in my body totally disappeared! No more heartburn, shortness of breath or crippling headaches! Now, I can see clearly and do everything that I couldn’t do before!

“Thank You, Jesus and I thank you man of God! My advice to people reading my testimony is simple – if you are experiencing a similar problem to mine, please start your water therapy without wasting time. It is VERY important! Better is not good enough; the best is yet to come! Emmanuel!”

To learn more about ‘Water Therapy’, please watch this short clip:


  1. I have been in all pvt hospitals, government hospitals and nothing ws found. I have severe heart burn almost everyday, bloated stomach, pain on my right side of the stomach, as i was reading all these comments i can say im also surffering from GERD. People of God share with me how i should take the water therapy. I want to start it now!

    • Amen. my problem is the same as you. my God Almighty will take away all my pains and problems. Yes he can do. Amen. Thank you Prophet TB Joshua May God Bless you and give you long life..

  2. I used to have pains in my legs and would always fell heavy and tired everytime but with the water therapy the pain and the heavens are now things of the past.thank u god for using the prophet to change people’s lives

  3. since l began water therapy, l have no addiction of masturbation and pornography, thank you Jesus my skin is so clean

  4. Thanks for that healing emmanuel!!!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone provided by Airtel Zambia.

  5. Thank you lord for the water therapy revelation to prophet TB joshua our helth will neve remain the same in Jesus name amen

      • Dear Nothando, drink a 1.5L every morning between 4,5 and 6am immediately before or after your morning prayers. drink within 2-3mins. Then drink 0.75L at 1-2pm and another 0.75 L at about 6-7pm still within the 2-3mins. And have faith in God when drinking because he sent the Man of God to us.don’t drink directly from the bottle because Prophet TB Joshua says its not good. Stay safe and waiting to read your testimonies.

  6. I started the water therapy the very day it was introduced by prophet tb Joshua. There’s wonderful changes in my body system. My swollen legs are gone. Glory be to God.

  7. Thank Jesus for this revelation. I already started waiting for my healing in Jesus name. Best is yet to come and God’s time is the best. Amen

  8. Water Therapy works. I have lost weight and I’m happy with my body. I can do things that I was unable to do cause of my big stomach . I thank you Jesus through Man of God you rescued me from my abnormal stomach. Praise the Lord!

  9. Thank you Jesus, I’ll continue drinking theraphy water, God bless u Man of God “Prophet TB Joshua” Amen

  10. I pray the precious blood of Jesus Christ also cleanse me from this GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL disease . I must testify in Jesus name .

  11. Emmanuel ! please I reside in Enugu state and have not been to lagos , I really need dis wster , how can I get it. please help me I need to give my own testimony Emmanuel.

  12. Good morning people of God. I want to testify about the goodness of God through the water therapy introduced by prophet TB Joshua. I am one of the people who started it same day he introduced it. Though the beginning was not easy, we persevered together with my husband until we started seeing results. I lost weight to the extent that I lost one bag of my stomach completely. My husband had severe pimples that we used to call seeds, the way they were big but now his face is so clear. praise God. I also as a nursing mother, I now have an overflow, more than enough breast milk. Thanks be to the Almighty for revealing this secret to his servant. Emmanuel!

  13. I lost weight,I eat less,no more fatigue,Thank u Man of God for water therapy!The way for me has come!Jesus is the way!!

  14. Pingback: GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE HEALING | Distance Is Not A Barrier: Emmanuel TV Testimonies - Emmanuel Player - Watch Emmanuel TV


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