Tony Blair 貝理雅再出山:唔容許左膠再膠落去

Tony Blair-貝理雅-min

呢個禮拜日,英國政壇出現極震撼消息,工黨歷史上在位最耐嘅首相 Tony Blair 貝理雅,宣布佢考慮再度出山。而佢呼籲選民,可以投俾自由民主黨或保守黨裡面反BREXIT嘅人,換言之,英國有可能出現政治大洗牌。一如薯粉居然出現泛民、獨派、親英派、民建聯溫和派、自由黨嘅奇怪組合一樣。

Tony Blair 再出山嘅原因

點解 Tony Blair 會出山,其實佢喺今日 BBC Radio 4 嘅訪問裡面,都講得幾清晰明白 

I just feel we’re allowing ourselves to be hijacked by what is actually quite a small group of people with a very strong ideology. Someone like Theresa May, you look at her and she’s very sensible, very solid, she’s a perfectly decent person, I agree with a lot of what she says – what she says about energy costs today, most people would say ‘fair enough’.But on this issue, which is the biggest issue of our time and which will have a dramatic impact on our future, on our economy, on our living standards and on the younger people of this country, on this issue she’s not reasonable.



當然,香港啲左膠,一定好似打薯粉咁反對貝理雅,但現實係,呢個世界再被啲持強烈意識形態嘅友仔挾持,遲早集體仆街,呢個係唔掂。貝理雅嘅撥亂反正,我歡迎。呢個亦係英國政治比香港理性嘅地方,英國嘅左膠都會搞tactical voting alliance,香港左膠啲謀略,主要用嚟搞鳩任何反對中國,同支持資本主義嘅人,同共產黨無分別。


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