Swachh Vidyalaya Program Orientation across Mewat Govt. Schools

Orientation sessions for Swachh Vidyalay Program were conducted at Govt. Schools across Mewat Govt. Schools. The HM, teachers and students were familiarized with the objectives of the Swachh Vidyalay Program and were told about the 5 points comprising it. The points are: School Campus Cleanliness, Attendance and Regularity, Health and Hygiene, Discipline and Utilization of Resources.

For the student, of the student and by the student is the mainstay of this Program. The students were encouraged to take initiative in the Swachh Vidyalay cause and they readily agreed. A Head girl, a head boy and 3 students for each point have taken on the responsibility to adhere to the points and also to ensure that it is mutual among the fellow students. The nominated students will be guided, monitored and will report to a lead teacher who will support them with inputs whenever needed.  The Orientation /Bal Sabha was possible only due to the HMs who were co- operative and arranged to conduct Bal Sabha along with the teachers who despite of classes managed to contribute and took part in the orientation.

The program is an initiative of the SRF Foundation and the orientation was headed by Rakesh A. along with Pragati Goel and Shakeb Alam from the Foundation and was supported by Nisha Juneja, Kamleshwar Mishra, Amir Khan and Shakeel Ahmed from the Field Team. The Program aims at instilling leadership qualities in the students and also to develop an instinct to take initiative for different causes. Along with this, the Program aims to inculcate different habits that need to be practiced out by the students which will make sure that they attend school regularly in their school uniforms. In a way the Program addresses major issues which will holistically impact not only the environment of the campus but also boost the capability and spirit of the students.

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