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All Souls Anglican, Cherry Hill, NJ

July 2017 Prayer Letter

We greet you in Jesus’ name. Every month or so we will send this prayer email to you, letting you know the most effective way you might pray for us. We do hope you will consider All Souls Anglican for your personal prayers that this new mission for the gospel may continue faithful to the gospel.

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bible study

This coming Sunday: The Tenth Sunday After Trinity

Join us this Sunday for Evensong at 4:00 PM as we continue in our serial exposition of Luke’s Gospel. This Lord’s Day we will study Luke 7.11-17.


For Your Prayers

We do so need and thank you for your prayers

Please use the buttons at the bottom of our newsletter to share with your network(s) among the saints of God to increase our prayer support.

Join us this month as we raise our voices in THANKSGIVING an in PRAYER to our heavenly Father for:

•    THANKSGIVING that third of the four families in significant transition that have finished stage one of their transitions.
•    THANKSGIVING for the THIRD as the spouse’s training and conference presentation has brought real interest in his field, new for the industry. Pray that his company may support this work in appropriate staffing and remuneration.
•    THANKSGIVING for a resolution in Henry’s Nigerian trip and Crowther seminary lectures being postponed to 2018 due to increasing logistical challenges. What was worrisome in rushed planning will now have the time to unfold properly.
•    THANKSGIVING for expository preaching. This year All Souls has studied Luke’s Gospel, pausing on September 17th to begin a series on the sola of the Reformation to mark this year’s Reformation 500.
•    PRAY for our other two families that still continue in transition. Pray for physical protection as the last stage of a move begins for one.
•    PRAY with our congregation as we prayerfully considers how best to develop our music ministry to the end of the year.


The Glory of God, Part 2

If you want to understand the first 200 years of Anglican theology, you must understand how Anglicans are part of a larger canvas of reformed theological development in Europe. So to lay out a few aspects of the Anglican understanding of God’s glory in this key period, I have relied pretty much on the work of Richard Muller. Muller has probably done more than anyone to revive appreciation for this era (historians label the period “reformed orthodoxy”) across Europe in recent decades.

Let me introduce you to Anglican Edward Leigh (1602– 71), to whose work, A Treatise of Divinity, Muller frequently appeals. Leigh was an Oxford-trained theologian well versed in classical, patristic, and Reformation writings and the author of several influential works.

A first element of the Anglican conception is that God’s glory describes an aspect of his nature. Muller writes: “God’s glory is to be understood essentially, as one of the divine attributes but, moreover, as an attribute that eminently reflects and reveals the perfection of all the attributes” [Muller, Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, 3.547 (Hereafter PRRD)].

For example, Leigh begins his exposition of God’s glory with this point. God’s glory is “the infinite excellency of the Divine essence.” Sometimes, he says, the glory of God in Scripture signifies “the very essence and nature of God” and sometimes “some of God’s Attributes.” Leigh later explains that these describe the “internal” aspect of God’s glory. As internal, the glory of God “is the excellency of his Divine nature,” in that God “is infinitely worthy to be praised, admired and loved of all.” God is glorious internally according to his “own knowledge, love, and delight in himself” [Leigh, A Treatise of Divinity (London, 1662), 111-13].

But Leigh also claims that God’s glory is “external.” As Muller puts it, “The divine glory may be considered as external, expressed both in the creation and ‘in divine dispensations toward his church and his people.’ In particular, this external glory refers to ‘the manifestation of his perfections by their effects’” [Muller, PRRD 3.550].

What does this mean? Leigh notes that God possesses internal glory from all eternity and he can never have any more of it than he’s always had. But Scripture also speaks of God making “all things for himself or his glory.” This is the external glory of God, which is expressed, for one thing, in “the Heavens and Earth, all these glorious creatures here below, which are said to show forth his glory,” as declared in Psalm 19. These creatures are “the effects of his glorious wisdom and power.” “As the glory of men consists in outward ornaments,” Leigh explains, “so God’s glory consists in having such creatures, men and Angels to be his followers.” In addition, this external glory concerns “when men and Angels do know, love, and obey him, and praise him to all eternity” [Leigh, 113]

Thus, we can see that Leigh does not take long to speak about God’s creatures glorifying him in all they do, though he is careful to ground this in the internal glory of God and to portray our knowing, loving, obeying, and praising God as God’s own “ornament.” Later, he explains further how it is that we can glorify God: “not by putting any excellency into him, but by taking notice of his excellency, and esteeming him accordingly, and making manifest this our high esteem of him” [Ibid. 116]. Muller states, “This last category of the orthodox discussion of the divine glory yields a strong practical application . . . from this doctrine we ought to learn, above all, to seek after God’s glory, to ‘labor to partake of God’s image, that we might be partakers of his glory’” [Muller quoting Leigh, 117. PRRD 550]. Theology was hardly a cold, intellectual exercise for these Anglicans! They saw doctrine and life as interconnected, and the topic of God’s glory illustrates this well.

Henry Jansma

The Rev. Canon Dr. Henry Jansma

Latest Sermon Podcast

Our sermon this month is the sermon for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Entitled, Checking the Fruit. The text is Luke 6.43-45.

We invite you to listen and share this sermon podcast by forwarding this email to your friends.


A Parish of the Diocese of CANA East

Worshiping Sundays at 4:00 PM at: 520 Kings Hwy South | Cherry Hill NJ 08034

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