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Time and the Seven Deadly Sins - Day 8 of 30 day writing challenge

Next door neighbor's jasmine that flows into my yard

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

Today's first theme is time and second is Seven

"Oh yea, you're the one who skipped First Grade and missed the how-to-tell-time lesson," eloquently put by someone who depends on me. Yes, I'm the one. I often wish that time would just go away. I'd be way more productive and creative. I love to wake up at dawn and go to bed at dark, but not have the clock ticking during the day.

I prefer to follow Albert Einstein's version of time: past, present and future all exist simultaneously. His timeless perspectives of the universe have yet to make their way to the mentality of our society though. I'm trying to coexist here, but having a hard time being on time.

Since I'm into my spiritual practice, I was once told that a true spiritual practice is about respecting time—living by it and being on time for it. I ponder this. I do benefit from discipline.

Being late for everything in life

I prefer freedom. But, I respect others who are waiting on me, especially my yoga clients.

Isn't mindfulness, the emptying of the mind's thoughts resulting in peace about letting go of control? Timelessness allows me to do this. However, I respect time with others who dedicate themselves to share moments with me.


Since I'm tired of writing about Time already, and our fearless leader of this writing experiment started his post out today with Seven and I don't know why, but Joslyn wrote about the Seven minute workout, I could not help but think of the movie Seven and the 7 deadly sins.

(I'm working on purifying my mind in my yoga practice). Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony.

Wrath - I am angry at myself often lately in my mind, for doing something wrong in one form or another, such as spacing out about my dream instead of staying present and feeling that pain in my hip in Warrior 1.

Greed - I believe I am a giving person but sometimes I feel I need to keep gathering everything I've got just so I can have something to give to my teenagers (they always ask).

Sloth - defined in Wikipedia as spiritual or emotional apathy, neglecting what was spoken. Hmm, I don't think I always do what my yoga teacher tells me to do. Ha, I'm a sloth and I better stop if I want to leave there with my heart floating and with a smile.

Pride - a satisfied attachment to one's choices, I believe I am full of pride lately, because I need to talk myself into believing in my choices, such as—since I'm using yoga to distinguish these—putting my foot behind my head is good for my nervous system and it feels so good.

Lust - I have an intense desire for the old convertible Porsche I see parked in the yoga parking lot sometimes. Sometimes in class—instead of focusing on my bandhas—I imagine asking the owner if I can drive it around the parking lot after class.

Envy - I am very envious of some people's arm muscles (female and male). I need to have them to be successful (in yoga). Is this why I go to yoga every day?

Gluttony - Ok, I promise I won't eat another whole bag in one sitting of Kettle cooked crispy potato chips from Whole Foods, covered in sea salt and vinegar. At least they are gluten-free.



« Lines that built a story on iTunes set to Shuffle - Day 9 of 30 day writing challenge | Main | They just don't care - Day 7 of 30 day writing challenge »

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