Kanye West rips off artists

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” so the saying goes but it translates as kiss my ass politics. I was disgusted to read that the fine artist Vincent Desiderio,an American realist painter with some good cred to his name got totally bought off in the Fame Game because Kanye West used his painting  Sleep as the basis for his new video called Fame. Yes that’s the name of the game. That was a great song by David Bowie, also ripped off. 

The real Pablo Picasso, not the wanna be Kanye, once said: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” That was just another self-aggrandizing statement by the big master himself. 

The papers reported that Mr. Desiderio was contacted by Kanye’s company and flown out to L.A. to see his painting ripped off by Kanye. Nowhere does it mention an artist fee paid to have his work forged. It’s a clear copyright infringement. 

The starry-eyed artist whose name is now all over, clearly believes that having his name attached to Kanye will bring him further cred, fame and fortune.

The point is by not demanding a fee for having his art ripped off and buying into the big ego game Desiderio sets back other artists claims to infringement back into the red. Like Mars in Scorpio.

I find this ironic when musical artists can sue for millions over 8 bars of their music being “sampled” when the truth is its being used, raped and ripped off. How many bars does your image equate  to I wonder?

Who can do the math on that? 

the Huffpost did an article about it which I totally disagree about.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mashups-appropriations-plagiarized-images-morphs_us_57714a06e4b06721d4c0e251

What do you think?

BTW I thought about Kanye West and Picasso- are there similarities? I firmly believe in Reincarnation, Kanye was born 4 years after Picasso died. It’s possible. Intrigued about that one? I will post about this shortly.

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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