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The University of the West Indies Open Campus will host a Lecture Series entitled, “Issues in International Affairs” commencing on Tuesday, April 21, at the UWI Open Campus Lecture Hall at 7 p.m. Researcher and historian Paul Lewis will deliver the first lecture on the topic, “Understanding Vladimir Putin and the New Russia”.

The main objective of the lecture series is to provide a forum for individuals and institutions armed with specific knowledge and experience to share with the public, their expertise on various subject matters that may directly impact our national development agenda.

It also hopes to lift the quality of national debate and reflection on a number of international issues, and as such, provide the public with information that will inform meaningful discussion.

The other topics in the series will include, “IMF 101: The Evolving Role and Functions of the IMF”. The IMF’s regional representative to the Caribbean, Wayne Mitchell, will present this topic on April 28th at UWI at 7 p.m.

The series will conclude with a lecture by Sen. Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, on the topic “Punching Above Our Weight: Advancing Small Island Interests at the United Nations”.

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The lectures are open to the public.

One reply on “UWI open campus to hold ‘Issues in International Affairs’ lecture series”

  1. I will certainly go to the Paul Lewis lecture, he in my mind is a star. I will also be giving out tickets on that evening for a lecture by myself “How to Curtail the Office of Prime Minister” [by ticket only]

    As for the Camillo lecture I will not go to that, he is too much like his father and I may throw up when he is speaking. I will not support a dynasty.

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