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Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

Email-ID 140219
Date 2014-09-02 21:48:38 UTC
From lynton, michael
this is nuts
On Aug 31, 2014, at 9:19 AM, Natalie wrote:
How did I get on this list? Also Ryan seacrest?

Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:

From: Ryan Kavanaugh <>
Date: August 29, 2014 at 4:08:17 PM PDT
To: Russell Simmons <>
Cc: Ron Rotholz <>, "" <>, Glenn Feig <>, Mark Canton <>, "Silverman, Ben" <>, "" <>, Amy Pascal <>, Jon Feltheimer <>, Jim Gianopulos <>, Ron Meyer <>, Ryan Seacrest <>, Bart Rosenblatt <>, Jason Binn <>, Meir Teper <>, Gianni Nunnari <>, Jack Rapke <>, Roger Birnbaum <>, Jonathan Brandstein <>, Patrick Whitesell <>, Cassian Elwes <>, Beau Flynn <>, Geyer Kosinski <>, John Burnham <>, Solomon Courtney <>, Rabbi Marc Schneier <>, Ken Sunshine <>, Natalie Portman <>, Scarlett Johansson <>, "" <>, Rabbi Steven Leder <>, Rabbi Marvin Hier <>, Elliot Brandt <>, Frank Luntz <>, David Shane <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

Sounds great.

-------- Original message --------
From: Russell Simmons
Date:08/29/2014 3:50 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Ryan Kavanaugh
Cc: Russell Simmons , Ron Rotholz ,, Glenn Feig , Mark Canton , "Silverman, Ben" ,, Amy Pascal , Jon Feltheimer , Jim Gianopulos , Ron Meyer , Ryan Seacrest , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , David Shane ,
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

I'll talk to Rabbi after sat night and we will come up with plan .. let's put together a group for execution Next week    

With great love all things are possible 
On Aug 29, 2014, at 3:42 PM, "Ryan Kavanaugh" <> wrote:

Agreed. So what do we do?

-------- Original message --------
From: Russell Simmons
Date:08/29/2014 3:36 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Ryan Kavanaugh
Cc: Ron Rotholz , Russell Simmons ,, Glenn Feig , Mark Canton , "Silverman, Ben" ,, Amy Pascal , Jon Feltheimer , Jim Gianopulos , Ron Meyer , Ryan Seacrest , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , David Shane ,
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

Ryan.   The purpose of this proposed messaging is too promote a great intention. You nor I have to direct the military.   We are here to fight hatred and to promote love.  That's all we can do. Through this campaign we will be helping Israel     You can take other routes as well  But this is useful I have seen the fruit of our work and we will step up our work in these troubled times     
With great love all things are possible 
On Aug 29, 2014, at 3:27 PM, "Ryan Kavanaugh" <> wrote:

And while peace is a great thought The Hamas charter is violent and racist  "Israel will exist and will continue 5 exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it".  When israel left Gaza, Hamas was elected the new governing party. The founding documents of Hamas calla for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews (the charter is online for anyone to read).  As long as this remains the guiding document for Hamas or the Palestinian people, the dream of leave remains inpossible. Also the PLO charter (also available online) is also very violent and very racist against jews and israel.

-------- Original message --------
From: Ron Rotholz
Date:08/29/2014 3:05 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Russell Simmons
Cc:, Ryan Kavanaugh , Glenn Feig , Mark Canton , "Silverman, Ben" ,, Amy Pascal , Jon Feltheimer , Jim Gianopulos , Ron Meyer , Ryan Seacrest , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , David Shane ,
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

The problem is this. 70 years since the end of WWII ..... and the murder and genocide of six million European jews and 100 years since the exile and murder of jews in eastern europe and russian during the era of pogroms ......
The few remaining Jews on this planet, having made a massive contribution to the entire world during this period in science, technology, finance, the invention of the motion picture industry, the arts, politics, charity, academia, medicine, media etc
As a major force for liberalism and humanity in western societies; as major supporter of the civil rights movement in america, the democratic party, the gay rights movement, the womens rights movement, the green movement, the rights of hispanics and all oppressed americans ...... the same in france and england ........
After all of this ........ the Jews still have to defend themselves, justify their existance, justify their lifes ........ to over one billion Muslims?
Why?  It's absurd.  To defend one selves against abstract disgraceful prejudice? slander? oppression? genocide?
Let the dictators, oligarchs and homicidal extremists justify their killing of muslims ....... the oppression and murder of women and girls ......the complete intolerance for christianity and judism and various muslim sects ....... the oppression and murder of gay men and women ....... It is time the imams, the political leaders in the muslim community, the academics, intellectuals, etc .........  to take stock and  look at themselves ......
They must solve their own problems, answer for their own real and moral crimes and stop looking outward to blame ...... not the West, the Jews ........
Enough is Enough      Ron

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 10:51 PM, Russell Simmons <> wrote:
We have hundreds of collaboration programs between Imams Rabbis and their congregations We have many respected imams who would join former chief rabbi metzker (spelling) rabbi Schneier and non Jews in promoting the Saudi peace plan..  Lots of Arabs/Muslims support that    As you know most Religious leaders are not the problem    But religious leaders could create a more true understanding ...where politicians would be the Villians not Isreal.   I'm not saying our support of a peace plan is so meaningful but you never know what good will we could conjure up or what long term effects that our work could have
With great love all things are possible 
On Aug 29, 2014, at 2:09 PM, "Joel Mowbray" <> wrote:

Zuhdi Jasser is a friend of mine, and he is a powerful voice.  He is a practicing Muslim who lives in Arizona.  But as with all Muslims who denounce radical Islam (not just violence, but the indirect justifications for violence, namely that Israel or the U.S. have committed war crimes or genocide, the very accusations young jihadists cite as the reason they became holy warriors), Zuhdi is portrayed by the large Saudi & Gulf-funded Islamic groups in the U.S. (CAIR, MAS, MPAC, etc.) as not a real Muslim.  That said, hes on Fox often and reaches millions, and I consider him a good friend.



From: Ryan Kavanaugh []
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 4:58 PM
To: Russell Simmons
Cc: Glenn Feig; Mark Canton; Silverman, Ben; Ron Rotholz;; Amy Pascal; Jon Feltheimer; Jim Gianopulos; Ron Meyer;; Ryan Seacrest; Bart Rosenblatt; Jason Binn; Meir Teper; Gianni Nunnari; Jack Rapke; Roger Birnbaum; Jonathan Brandstein; Patrick Whitesell; Cassian Elwes; Beau Flynn; Geyer Kosinski; John Burnham; Solomon Courtney; Rabbi Marc Schneier; Ken Sunshine; Natalie Portman; Scarlett Johansson;; Rabbi Steven Leder; Rabbi Marvin Hier; Elliot Brandt; Frank Luntz; David Shane;
Subject: RE: Is the Gaza War Really Over?


Agreed. Do you have ideas of Muslims who will talk openly about how severe and inhumane ISIS and Hamas is? 

-------- Original message --------
From: Russell Simmons
Date:08/29/2014 1:56 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Ryan Kavanaugh
Cc: Glenn Feig , Mark Canton , "Silverman, Ben" , Ron Rotholz ,, Amy Pascal , Jon Feltheimer , Jim Gianopulos , Ron Meyer ,, Ryan Seacrest , Russell Simmons , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , David Shane ,
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

Simple messaging from non Jews specifically from Muslims promoting peace and Israel's right to exist. Should be spread. (Possibly using statements from Hamas leadership in this branding exercise) could be a unifying force.     U have ken sunshine on the chain.    We have resources and the desire to win rather then loose the hearts of young Muslims and Jews.   Our love for innocent suffering Palestinians must be a strong part of our messaging.  

With great love all things are possible 

On Aug 29, 2014, at 1:29 PM, "Ryan Kavanaugh" <> wrote:

The problem is that Moore ' law is kicking in. Before the summer 50 percent of college students supported israel, today less the 25 percent do. There are hate crimes against heed happening in almost every major metropolitan city, now including the US. 

We have let this happen. And it's our job to keep another Hollacast from happening. Many of you may think that can't happen, that is extreme. My Grandmother told me over and over again remember no one believed it could happen and everyone thought the government would not allow it to. It took 5 years before the us stepped in, and 12 million dead.


 If you pull newspapers from pre Hollacast it seems eerily close to our world today.



-------- Original message --------
From: Glenn Feig
Date:08/29/2014 1:17 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Mark Canton , "Silverman, Ben"
Cc: Ron Rotholz , Ryan Kavanaugh ,, Amy Pascal , Jon Feltheimer , Jim Gianopulos , Ron Meyer ,, Ryan Seacrest , Russell Simmons , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , David Shane ,
Subject: RE: Is the Gaza War Really Over?

Boycott is not realistic.  It is the message that must be heard.  It must be stated over and over by as many of us as possible to everyone and anyone that will listen.  It must be to as broad an audience as possible.


There must be more of this piece that aired on Fox News Live with Brooke Goldstein:


People need a concise presentation like this.   Must be repeated ad infinitum until the people get it. 






Glenn D. Feig


421 South Beverly Drive, Eighth Floor

Beverly Hills, CA  90212

tel. (310) 789-4770

fax (310) 789-4771



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From: Mark Canton []
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:16 AM
To: Silverman, Ben
Cc: Ron Rotholz; Ryan Kavanaugh;; Amy Pascal; Jon Feltheimer; Jim Gianopulos; Ron Meyer;; Ryan Seacrest; Russell Simmons; Bart Rosenblatt; Jason Binn; Meir Teper; Gianni Nunnari; Jack Rapke; Glenn Feig; Roger Birnbaum; Jonathan Brandstein; Patrick Whitesell; Cassian Elwes; Beau Flynn; Geyer Kosinski; John Burnham; Solomon Courtney; Rabbi Marc Schneier; Ken Sunshine; Natalie Portman; Scarlett Johansson;; Rabbi Steven Leder; Rabbi Marvin Hier; Elliot Brandt; Frank Luntz; David Shane;
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?


Well said 

On Aug 29, 2014, at 9:13 AM, "Silverman, Ben" <> wrote:

Agreed in that we should only boycott the boycotters and continue to be the advocates for an open and free society while pointing out the hypocrisy and insanity of singling out the only country in the Middle East that supports both. 

On Aug 29, 2014, at 4:59 PM, "Ron Rotholz" <> wrote:



I don't think calling for any Boycotts re; cultural film events, when we're objecting to calls for a cultural boycotts of Israel would be helpful

or advisable.  Thierry Fremaux and Cannes are apolitical ........ they do have an absolutely democratic screening policy re; subject

matter.  They are extremely concerned as a French festival set in the heart of traditionally right wing, anti-semetic 'Le Pen' territory about

any form of anti-semitism at the festival re; films or filmmakers ( while the filmmakers are in attendence ).  Several years ago they asked

Lars Van Trier to leave the festival when he alluded to critics of his film as 'Nazis'   Their policy with regard to this is absolute and



This group should be against ALL CULTURAL BOYCOTTS.  Economic boycotts are another matter.  I know we are all aware that Dubai

and Qatar DO NOT RECOGNISE THE LEGITIMACY OF ISRAEL ....... yet many hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars have been

raised by US and European media companies from the Emirates.  It is common knowledge that Qatar has financed the 'non-military' activities of Hamas to the tune of Hundreds of Millions of dollars which is why they were a key player in the recent Cairo peace talks which

ended the Gaza War. In these cases we are dealing with quite high level corporate financial decisions re; investment, and vetting investment re: human rights and politics.  Quite complex and controversial.  


What we can do is urge the leaders of major film, tv and theater organisations, festivals, markets and potentially the heads of media corporations to issue official statements condemning any form of cultural or economic boycotts against Israel.  IE:  The heads of the

Cannes, Venice, Berlin, London, NY and Sundance Festivals issuing a joint statement condeming boycotts and censureships of any kind.


The same with the heads of BAFTA, BAFTA TV, both Academy's in LA, the BFI in the UK, the Cesars in France, and all theater orgs

in NY and London Also issuing a joint statement.


As for the heads of studios, networks and major finance and distribution entities in the US, UK and Europe, these will be essentially

corporate decisions and more complex ....... and in many cases unrealistic.  Also, in Europe and the UK, orgs like the BBC for instance

is a public trust and publically funded, and it is against their charter to take a definite political position ..... ever.


The philosophy behind this impassioned and brave and evolving group should be to speak with many but ultimately one voice within the

creative global industries to press for a greater understanding of the plight of Israel within the Mid-East, a greater respect within Europe,

but most importantly it must urge industry leaders in the US, UK and Europe to take an ABSOLUTE position re; the legitimacy and

continued security and support for the Jewish state and its' population.  NO EQUIVOCATION.  Israel has a right to cultural, political and

economic freedom ........ and this right must be enforced stridently by the financial and creative global leaders in the cultural community.


Change must start from the top down.   It should be unheard of and unacceptable for any Academy Award winning actor to call the legitimate armed defense of one's territory ...... Genocide ........ We must make sure that never happens again.


Ron Rotholz




On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Ryan Kavanaugh <> wrote:

What's  most concerning to me is that cannes members are out warding calling for the boycott of anything Israeli or jewish, and the only response from cannes board is that they gave John voit an award once as if somehow that's justifies these actions. The studios and networks alike must join together and boycott cannes. If we don't we are sending a message that another holocaust is fine with Hollywood as long as it is business as usual. We must have as game plan.

-------- Original message --------
From: Ron Rotholz
Date:08/28/2014 1:29 PM (GMT-08:00)
Cc:, Ryan Kavanaugh , Ryan Seacrest , Russell Simmons , Bart Rosenblatt , Jason Binn , Mark Canton , Meir Teper , Gianni Nunnari , Jack Rapke , Glenn Feig , Roger Birnbaum , Jonathan Brandstein , Patrick Whitesell , Cassian Elwes , Beau Flynn , Geyer Kosinski , John Burnham , Solomon Courtney , Rabbi Marc Schneier , Ken Sunshine , Natalie Portman , Scarlett Johansson ,, Rabbi Steven Leder , Rabbi Marvin Hier , Elliot Brandt , Frank Luntz , "Silverman, Ben" , David Shane ,
Subject: Re: Is the Gaza War Really Over?



As some of this dialogue began with my correspondence with Thierry Fremaux/Cannes regarding Palm D'Or Winner and Cannes regular

British director Ken Loach's call for ' a total cultural global boycott of Israel' ...... I wanted to highlight the overwhelming and unquestioning

support for the Palestinian leadership during this Gaza crisis, and the structural and aggressive anti-Israel sentiment that pervades the

English and European film, tv, theater, media and art worlds and establishment I have encounter having lived and worked in London over

the last decade, and working in Paris and other European media centres as well.


The evolving and unsettling wave of anti-Israel protests and rhetoric we have experienced here in London and across Europe during this

most recent Gaza crisis has shockingly morphed into a widespread wave of overt anti-semitism in the muslim world, the middle class world, the media and has become commonplace in everyday conversation ........ this is layered on top of the structural and accepted

anti-semitism one commonly experiences living in the UK or Europe.


It is imperative that leading figures in the LA/NY film, tv, media, digital and theater communities who support a strong and potent

Jewish state develop a strategy for liasing with colleagues in London and Europe and also with the creative communities here and in

Europe to promote and explain the Israeli cause .......


As we have seen most recently in the case of Mr. Loach and also with the statements of Almodovar, Bardem and Cruz and the

non-response to these extreme statements by the English and European film communities ........ there is much work to be done ......


There is a crisis re; Israel and support for Israel both here in London and across Europe in the media and cultural worlds ......... 


Anti Israel rhetoric and hate speech has become hate actions on the streets of London and Europe ........ there is silence from the

major film and tv financing and distribution entities in the UK and Europe, silence from the writers, directors, producers and actors

in the UK and Europe ........ and this is shocking and deeply worrying .........


Billions of US dollars are spent producing product in the UK and Europe and billions of dollars are made by UK and European film,

media, digital and tv companies distributing their product in the US ..........


It is imperative, therefore, that we who support Israel during these tough times and make our voices heard in the capitals of Europe and

at important festivals and markets  like Cannes, Venice, Berlin, MIP etc. ...


There is NO public defense of Israel in the film, tv and media worlds here in London and in Europe at the moment.  This is wrong .......

Only the strident and offensive critics of Israel dominate the dialogue .......


I hope this dialogue can evolve into a strategy and action.


Ron Rotholz 









On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 8:05 PM, <> wrote:

Everyone please use this "reply all" list from here on.  I have included Kobi Marom a retired commander in the Israelie army.  Kobi was kind enough to give my family and I a jeep tour of the Golan Heights during our June trip to Israel.  He also took us to visit an army base on the border of Israel and Syria, an area which has been in the news lately.  Hard to imagine that the "kids" that we met at the base are most likely engaged in combat with our enemies.  


Kobi works closely with the "Friends of the Israelie Defense Forces (FIDF)" who are in need of donations.  Please check out their website at  This dialogue is important and very much needed but we also need to dig deep to help in the constant struggle for the survival of Israel.


George Perez


(305) 987-9559 | Cell

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george-perez | Skype



From: Joel Mowbray <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2014 12:04 PM
To: Ryan Kavanaugh <>
Cc: George Perez <>, 'Ryan Seacrest' <>, Russell Simmons <>, Bart Rosenblatt <>, Jason Binn <>, Mark Canton <>, Meir Teper <>, Gianni Nunnari <>, Jack Rapke <>, Glenn Feig <>, 'John Ridley' <>, Roger Birnbaum <>, Jonathan Brandstein <>, Patrick Whitesell <>, Cassian Elwes <>, Beau Flynn <>, Geyer Kosinski <>, John Burnham <>, 'Solomon Courtney' <>, 'Rabbi Marc Schneier' <>, 'Ken Sunshine' <>, 'Natalie Portman' <>, 'Scarlett Johansson' <>, "" <>, 'Rabbi Steven Leder' <>, Rabbi Hier <>, 'Elliot Brandt' <>, 'Frank Luntz' <>, Ben Silverman <>, David Shane <>
Subject: Is the Gaza War Really Over?


Khaled Abu Toameh is an Israeli Arab Muslim journalist, whose main gig is as a fearless reporter for the Jerusalem Post.  He actually calls himself a Palestinian, (and hes an actual, practicing Muslim), though he openly talks about how Israel offers vastly more freedom for its Arab citizens than any Arab country.  Understand that he goes into Gaza and the West Bank repeatedly to talk to sources, etc., so his insights come from an unfettered view of facts on the ground a far cry from what Western journalists with local Palestinian stringers (who see themselves as activists fighting the Zionist entity) can offer in terms of a genuine understanding of Palestinian culture/society and the political dynamics.  There is no one who covers the Palestinians better, whether in his reporting or in his commentary and below is a must read op-ed on Hamas thinking about its next steps.



Is the Gaza War Really Over?

by Khaled Abu Toameh
August 28, 2014 at 5:00 am

It is important to note that these cease-fire demands are not part of Hamas's or Islamic Jihad's overall strategy, namely to have Israel wiped off the face of the earth.

Many foreign journalists who came to cover the war in the Gaza trip were under the false impression that it was all about improving living conditions for the Palestinians by opening border crossings and building an airport and seaport. These journalists really believed that once the demands of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are accepted, this would pave the way for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

To understand the true intention of Hamas and its allies, it is sufficient to follow the statements made by their leaders after the cease-fire announcement this week. To his credit, Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas's leader, has never concealed Hamas's desire to destroy Israel.

Hamas and its allies see the war in the Gaza Strip as part of there strategy to destroy Israel. What Hamas and its allies are actually saying is, "Give us open borders and an airport and seaport so we can use them to prepare for the next was against Israel."

Statements made by Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders and spokesmen following the announcement of the long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel this week serve as a reminder of their true intentions and strategy.

Over the past two months, the two groups, together with several armed factions in the Gaza Strip, repeatedly announced that their main goal was to end the "siege" on the Gaza Strip and build their own airport and seaport.

During the cease-fire talks in Cairo, the Palestinian groups repeatedly and stubbornly insisted that complying with these demands, along with opening all the border crossings with the Gaza Strip, was the only way to end the violence and achieve a long-term cease-fire with Israel.

However, it is important to note that these cease-fire demands are not part of Hamas's or Islamic Jihad's overall strategy, namely to have Israel wiped off the face of the earth.

Hamas and its allies in the Gaza Strip are not only fighting for an airport and seaport. Nor are they fighting only for the reopening of all border crossings with Israel and Egypt.

During this war, many seem to have forgotten that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are actually fighting to "liberate Jerusalem and all Palestine." The two groups have never recognized Israel's right to exist and continue to oppose any attempt to make peace with the "Zionist entity."

Many foreign journalists who came to cover the war in the Gaza Strip were under the false impression that it was all about improving the living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by opening border crossings and building an airport and seaport. These journalists really believed that once the demands of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are accepted, this would pave the way for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Yet these journalists, like many others in the international community, failed to look at the bigger picture or take into consideration the context of conflict. Moreover, most of them did not even seem to be listening to what Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been stating before and after the war -- that their real goal is to "liberate all Palestine."

Operation Protective Edge may have ended, but the dream to destroy Israel is still alive. Even if Hamas and Islamic Jihad eventually get their own airport and seaport, it is obvious that the two groups are now more determined than ever to pursue their fight to eliminate Israel, especially in light of the fact that they feel they have emerged from the war triumphant.


Masked Hamas gunmen celebrate their "victory" over Israel before the international media this week. (Image source: Facebook/Palestinian Information Center)

The Egypt-brokered cease-fire may achieve some calm for Israelis and Palestinians in the foreseeable future, particularly in the aftermath of the severe blow Hamas and Islamic Jihad suffered as a result of Israel's massive military operation.

Indeed, Hamas and its allies will now be busy rebuilding the damage in the Gaza Strip. But they will also continue to raise new generations of Palestinians on glorification of terrorism and jihad, with the hope of achieving the destruction of Israel, which they view as an alien body planted by colonialist powers in the Middle East.

To understand the true intentions of Hamas and its allies, it is sufficient to follow the statements made by their leaders after the cease-fire announcement earlier this week. Evidently, these statements show that Hamas and Islamic Jihad see their "victory" in the Gaza Strip as a first step toward "liberating all Palestine." They also show that these groups intend to use the new cease-fire to continue preparations and amass more weapons for what they call "the mother of all battles - liberating Palestine."

Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah was one of the first figures to spell out his organization's real intentions. Hours after the cease-fire announcement, the Lebanon-based Shalah declared: "The war is not over. It will continue in other means and methods."

He went on to warn Palestinians against resuming negotiations with Israel, saying the Oslo Accords were now "buried under the rubble of the Gaza Strip" and Palestinians should as of now only endorse the "path of resistance."

The following day, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh crawled out of the bunker he had retreated to during the war to declare that "Gaza is now preparing for the battle of comprehensive liberation."

He told Hamas supporters during a "victory" rally in Gaza City that "Gaza has paved the way for reaching Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque."

To his credit, Haniyeh has never concealed Hamas's desire to destroy Israel. Only days before the war, he said in a speech before schoolchildren attending a Hamas summer camp that his movement's strategy "is to liberate the land of Palestine." He added: "Whether we are in the (Palestinian) government or outside, we will continue to educate and call for the liberation of all Palestine and the establishment of a Palestinian state on all the land of Palestine."

For those who do not know, Haniyeh is in fact just repeating Hamas's charter, which does not accept Israel's right to exist on any part of what is perceived as Muslim-owned land.

Another Hamas leader, Mahmoud Zahar, went even farther by calling for the establishment of a "Palestine Liberation Army" in wake of the "victory" scored by his movement and other Palestinian groups during the war.

Further evidence that this war was not about border crossings or improving living conditions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip was also provided by a spokesman for Hamas and several Palestinian groups that participated in the fighting against Israel.

At a press conference one day after the cease-fire announcement, Abu Obaida, spokesman for Hamas's armed wing, Izaddin al-Qassam, declared: "Gaza won because it has revived the hopes of 1.5 billion Arabs and Muslims that the road to Jerusalem is now open and all we need is to be united and have a will."

So for Hamas and its allies, the war in the Gaza Strip is not just about the closure of border crossings or freedom of movement. Instead, they see the war in the Gaza Strip as part of their strategy to destroy Israel. What they are actually saying is, "Give us open borders and an airport and seaport so we can use them to prepare for the next war against Israel."



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