Petition update

It's not you, it's me

Azrul Mohd Khalib
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Apr 28, 2016
Dear friends, All across the country, hundreds of thousands of people are showing Prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak the door. Like many relationships, it started off with a promise and a dream of happiness, prosperity and love. He said that he would change the ways things were done in this country, especially in our relations with each other as Malaysians and bring about good governance and accountability. Most importantly, he admitted that there were many things that were done wrongly in the past, and he asked that we give him the opportunity to fix them. He asked us to trust him. Oppps. Somewhere along the road, he lost his way. Billions lost through financial adventures and mismanagement. Excuses on why signing a document doesn't mean he is accountable for what he signed and committed to. The investigation or charging of hundreds of people who spoke out against him or have been critical towards his (mis)management of our country. Rising tensions and frayed community relations due to his impotence against those who seek to assert religious and ethnic dominance. The display of unprecedented opulence and wealthy decadence by those in power and authority despite the crushing economic circumstances of many Malaysians. And now we are paying (literally) the price for giving him our trust. It is time to break up this unhealthy relationship with Dato' Seri Najib. Just tell him "it's not you, it's me" and get as many people to sign in support of the #DeklarasiRakyat. #SelamatkanMalaysia


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