#TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter Hashtag Has Famous Authors Venting and Bonding on Twitter

We'll call it a water cooler vent session.

(Photo: Getty)
(Photo: Getty)

Writing is not a career for the weak.

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It comes with seemingly everlasting periods of writer’s block, glooming fits of self-doubt and often little recognition or remuneration in return for great dedication. Perhaps the biggest bother, though, is constantly having to defend who you are, what you write and why you write it.

For many people, because they know how to write, they carry an assumption that writing is easy. What they don’t realize, however, is that writing, the tool you learn in school and use to jot texts, refrigerator memos and the occasional letter, is quite a ways away from writing, what novelists, poets, journalists and others who connect words professionally do.

Today, hobbyists and professional writers got the chance to vent the everyday frustrations associated with writing on Twitter when the hashtag #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter began trending. Authors of best-selling novels, journalists and passionate just for fun-writers participated, and they pretty much covered all of the bases. As they tweeted, RTs, favorites and replies were all plentiful as the writers digitally bonded over their work problems—we’ll call it a water cooler vent session.

Here are a few of their tweets:



There is a bit of a difference.


Not literally, but you get the picture.



This is just rude. Do people actually ask this?



Writing = work.




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#TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter Hashtag Has Famous Authors Venting and Bonding on Twitter