Article from the Columbus Dispatch on Bipolar Disorder and Kids

ByDr. Berney

Article from the Columbus Dispatch on Bipolar Disorder and Kids

Dr. Marshall and I have been talking, writing, and presenting on these issues for over 10 years. It is great that there is more evidence coming about about this issue. In the past, physicians and mental health professionals were very quick to slap a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder on children, though there was very little research evidence supporting that practice. Children with severe temper tantrums and other challenging behaviors were often diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder even without any clear mood-related episodes. Research, such as that reviewed in column from the Dispatch, provide valuable information for clinicians as we work to make sure our patients receive the correct diagnosis and care.

Let us know what you think. Have you heard of very young children being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder? What was your experience?

Read the article here:

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Dr. Berney administrator

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