Tuesday, July 28, 2015

#UtopiaResolutions: B.J. Sheldon

The Utopia Resolutions feature, hosted by Book Junkie: Not-So-Anonymous and The Paisley Reader will allow authors, bloggers, editors, cover models, designers, publicists, and any UtopYA attendee to share the resolutions they've made for the year between the 2015-2016 conferences.

Utopian Profile:

Name:  B.J. Sheldon

I attend as: Author and Award-Winning Lip Syncer

Years attended: 2013, 2014, 2015


How has Utopia changed you? – How has it changed me? How has it NOT changed me? When I first attended in 2013, I was the extreme introvert that went to panels, made idle chit-chat with other attendees, and then went back to my room at lunch to eat alone and repeated this routine at the end of each day. I was intimidated by all the “awesome” around me, and I honestly thought that since I’d published only one book that I was a complete nobody. Why would anyone want to hang around with me? But it was also where I first met Carol Kunz. She walked me around and introduced me to various people. I smiled nervously, shook hands, and tried to sound cool and calm with the authors and bloggers in attendance. By the time I left, I told myself I’d probably never go back – that my anxiety was too bad to deal with another trip like that. But over the course of the next 2 years, I followed along on the UtopYA Facebook page. I slowly built up a smattering of courage and became “Facebook friends” with some authors that I considered rock stars in the industry. I watched what they did and how they interacted with their readers…and each other. I soon began to realize that I’d been holding myself back. By keeping the best of me hidden from those who really wanted to know the real me, I was only hurting myself. UtopYA changed me in many ways, but mostly it’s taught me to stop being so afraid to put myself out there. I have allowed myself to relax around others, be happy for other people’s successes, and learned that confidence is something that comes from within.

With another epic UtopYA 2015 in the books, I’ve had some time to sit back and think about what I want to accomplish in the next year. After all, this particular convention is like a New Year’s celebration that lasts three and a half days, so making resolutions for next year’s convention only seems logical.

When I first began to write back in 2009, I had only one goal: to find an agent, become traditionally published and one day find my books in the local bookstore. I mean, I knew it was difficult, but my writing was so amazing that it shouldn’t take long to be discovered. (Right?) Wow, was I wrong. That first bit of writing was complete crap, and my agent queries were less than stellar. So, begrudgingly, I began to write a new book. And when it was done, I rewrote it. Then, I rewrote it again. And again, and again. Long story short…writing, and writing well, was much harder than it looked.

So, when I managed to get my book published through a small, indie press out of Nashville, my editor told me that I should attend UtopYA – that it would be good to meet other authors, go to some panels, learn some things. I wasn’t sure I could afford it, but I decided to go anyway.

Now, a few years later, I know far more than I did in the beginning. Writing takes skill. It takes dedication. And it also takes a certain sense of marketing, creativity, and complete insanity. One has to be bonkers to be an author. But I also learned that I’m not alone in my insecurities and devotion to the written word…thanks to Janet Wallace and UtopYA. Now, with the change to “Utopia” in order to be more inclusive, it’s also time for me to change as well.

Resolution #1: Self-publish my next book – My first 3 books, The Dusty Chronicles trilogy, were published by an indie press and are available on Amazon. But I now know that it’s time to branch out and step out of my comfort zone. Self-publishing scares the bejeezus out of me, but I’m learning that fear is okay. Fear can be the driving force that can spark a bit of insanity, pushing you forward into the unknown. With self-publishing, I am not only going to go a bit insane, but I am also going to learn more about the various platforms besides just KDB, marketing, and self-promotion. And if I get stuck, I have an entire tribe of friends and authors to walk me through the process. My next book has already been written, and I’m in the midst of rewrites. Once the editor, cover designer, and formatter do their job, look for my new supernatural fantasy about fallen angels on November 6 of 2015.

Resolution #2: Write another book…and get an agent – Yep. You read that right – an agent. I am in the early planning stages of “The Owl Queen”, a fantasy about a girl who finds herself in a strange alternate world amidst a battle for humans. My goal is to outline, write, and submit this manuscript in an effort to expand my brand…and my comfort level. I typically only write one book a year which has a lot to do with my secret identity as a project manager, wife, and mother. So, writing a second book (and possibly a third) almost seems out of reach, but I am determined to push myself in the next 12 months. “But you’re an indie author”, you may be saying to yourself. “Why would you want an agent?” For me, it has nothing to do with abandoning my roots or the indie world I’ve grown to love. It has more to do with taking that next step. Would I love to see my books on the shelves at Target or B&N? Absolutely! Would I die from excitement at seeing an adaptation of one of my books on the big screen? Definitely! These may seem like large and unreachable goals to you. But for me, it’s what drives me every day, and an agent might just be the person to help me achieve those goals.

Resolution #3: Lose 20 more pounds and get in shape – What does this have to do with next year’s Utopia2016 you ask? Three words…Lip. Sync. Battle. I’m not getting any younger, and let’s face it…I’ll be on stage with Crystal and Maghee, two young ladies who rock it. We have a title to defend next year. Time to get in shape now. Trust me…dancing on stage in 6 inch heels isn’t easy.

Resolution #4: Plot out a new story – After listening to Kim Holden’s keynote speech and seeing all the photos of the “Do Epic” tattoos, I looked at my own tattoo that sits quite visible on my right forearm. It is a single word – “Ceaseless”. The story behind it is long, but the short version is this: My three daughters see me as someone who never gives up – someone that gets up every time life knocks her down. And whenever I look at it, it’s a reminder that my children are watching everything I do – that no matter what, they know I’ll never quit. And this is where my resolution comes into play. This year, I will begin plotting out a new story about “Ceaseless”. I don’t know what genre it will be. I don’t have a character picked out. I don’t even have a clue where to start. But it’s going to happen.

Resolution #5: Be there – I have taken on a new mantra in life. WWCD, or in other words “What Would Carol Do”. Carol Kunz, aka Amanda Jason, aka Mama Carol, is someone I look up to and admire. She lifts and builds people up. She loves and expects nothing in return. So this year, I will be making an effort to be more social. I want people to accept themselves for who they are. I want them to be brave, confident, and ceaseless. And for a recovering wallflower – me – I don’t want people in my tribe to feel invisible. I want to be someone they can reach out to. I’m a hugger. Even my virtual hugs are pretty good.

Resolution #6: Develop a marketing strategy – I’m just going to throw this out there. I SUCK at marketing. I’d rather be friends with my readers than ask them to buy and rate my books. So this coming year, I will start to figure out the mess that is advertising and marketing. This is a boring (but vital) resolution, so let’s move on.

Resolution #7: Start a few rumors – I’m going to start a few rumors. Little ones. Nothing huge. One is that Hope Collier and Nichole Greene are my long lost baby sisters and see if I can get invited to some family reunions. (Hey – I’m adopted, so you never know. We really could be related. You don’t know!) And I am also going to start a rumor where Mama Carol Kunz has legally adopted me, officially making me a Kunz. This also means Adam and I would be siblings. But then again, I’m not sure the world is ready for that.

Resolution #8: Keep my readers updated – My blogging as of late has been sparse. I need to get better at that. But I started a newsletter and have sent out a few email blasts thus far. So, there’s that. And while I have begun posting videos to YouTube, my 11-year-old minion has informed me that they are “cringe-worthy”. Therefore, I hereby vow to be better at all these things. End of story.

Resolution #9: Ask more questions – Possibly one of the worst things I’ve done over the course of the past 6 years since I began writing was trying to figure things out on my own. I was determined to make my own path and learn from my own mistakes. While in theory this makes sense, in reality it’s completely stupid. I have so many people around me who know more than me and have paved my way. I always worried that if I asked too many questions, people would begin to see me as being a pain in the rear. But I’m beginning to understand that this isn’t the case. There are many amazing people who are willing to let me pick their brains. So this coming year, I am not going to allow my insecurities to stop me from learning everything I can.

Resolution #10: Be scared – No more. I’m done watching other people achieve things while I sit back, too afraid to even try. My final resolution will be to do more things that scare me over the course of the next 12 months. Janet Wallace made me realize that the reason I haven’t gone as far in this industry as I could have was because I am too cautious. I need to take more risks – put myself out there. When people used to put out calls for blog takeovers, interviews, or any other promotional type things that would give me even the slightest bit of visibility, I did…nothing. I’m not sure why to be honest. Even now I can’t think of a valid reason other than I was scared to step out of my comfort zone. I am a recovering wallflower (slash) introvert and want nothing more than to show my daughters what hard work and perseverance can accomplish. So this year, I will be brave. I will conquer my fears. I will face down what scares me and laugh in its face. I will be brave, confident, and ceaseless. And if all else fails, a glass of wine before I tackle the unknown always helps.

About the Utopian:

BJ Sheldon lives near Rapid City, South Dakota with her husband, a veteran of the US military. She is the mother to 3 beautiful daughters, 2 of whom are still living at home and making her crazy.

Most days, she can be found in front of her laptop or reading a good book when she isn't trying to keep her dog and 3 cats from taking over the world. Her hobbies include cuticle care, fighting off zombies, and traveling through space and time with a mad man in a blue box. She also enjoys embarrassing her daughters in public, eating pizza, and singing into a hair brush in front of a mirror whenever possible.

In 2011, BJ was awarded a silver medal in the Reader's Favorite Award Contest in the Young Adult/Fantasy category for "Haunting". That book became the first in her first series, The Dusty Chronicles. It is a paranormal trilogy that takes a different spin on "paranormal romance". Her next project, a supernatural fantasy, is due to be released November 6, 2015. Future projects include Sci-fi, fantasy, and contemporary romance.

Connect With Me:

Twitter: @BJSheldonAuthor

Instagram: BJSheldonAuthor

Pinterest: BJSheldonAuthor


1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I love those resolutions, B. J. You go for it, woman! :) Remember, if you need anything, I'm a message away. <3
