Making The Most Out

Of Your Strengths

I recently read an article about personal strengths that went into specifics on the how and the why we need to start using them more!

Starting . . .

Developing . . .

Taking Flight . . .

Benefits of Tapping Into Your Strengths:

  • Makes You Feel GOOD!
  • Boosts Feelings of Independence and Confidence.
  • Makes You Feel More Purposeful.
  • Helps You Stay Resilient When the Going Gets Tough.

Did you know there were 24 strengths? I did not know that. Character strengths are our capacity for thinking, feeling, willing, and behaving. Basically reflect what is BEST in each of us! Those strengths are part of how we positively identify ourselves.

Wisdom & Knowledge Strengths are #1 – #5

Justice Strengths are #6 – #8

Courage Strengths are #9 – #12

Temperance Strengths are #13 – #16

Humanity Strengths are #17 – #19

Transcendence Strengths are #20 – #24

  1. Creativity
  2. Curiosity
  3. Judgment
  4. Love of Learning
  5. Perspective
  6. Teamwork
  7. Fairness
  8. Leadership
  9. Bravery
  10. Honesty
  11. Perseverance
  12. Zest
  13. Forgiveness
  14. Prudence
  15. Humility
  16. Self-Regulation
  17. Love
  18. Kindness
  19. Social Intelligence
  20. Appreciation of Beauty
  21. Gratitude
  22. Hope
  23. Humor
  24. Spirituality

Each one of us has ALL 24 strengths, however; we each use those strengths differently! Your top strengths are called “signature strengths”. Those strengths that are most essential to who you are!

Using Different Strengths and Skills

3 Questions To Ask Yourself:

  1. Do you know your top strengths?
  2. How do you apply and use your strengths?
  3. How do you make the most out of your strengths?

By using and developing your strengths you are a happier and healthier being! In using your strengths you are physically and mentally experiencing the world you live in. In developing your strengths you are practicing and progressing in how to make the most out of your strengths. You are giving your whole being a boost as well as being productive, independent and competent!

The Most Prevalent Strengths In Humans Are:

  1. Kindness
  2. Fairness
  3. Judgment
  4. Honesty
  5. Gratitude

I love the juxtaposing of the five strengths! Kindness to Judgment. Fairness to Honesty. Then there is Gratitude.

The Least Common Strengths In Humans Are:

  1. Prudence
  2. Modesty
  3. Self-Regulation

What is Prudence? The quality of being prudent and/or cautious. Wisdom. Good judgment. Common sense.

What is Modesty? The quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one’s abilities. The quality of being relatively moderate, limited or small in amount, rate or level. Behavior, manner or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.

What is Self-Regulation? Control by oneself. A learning process to develop a set of constructive behaviors that affect one’s learning. The ability to learn, adapt and change.

I was thinking and pondering . . . Are we born with these strengths? Yes or No or Depends. Are these strengths something we are taught and continue to learn as we develop? Yes or No.

Building Strengths and Skills

The Top 5 Strengths That Are Most Connected With Happiness Are:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Zest
  3. Hope
  4. Gratitude
  5. L-O-V-E
Think about the relationship between your heart and your head! Do you use your heart or your head? Think about practicing gratitude in living your life! It is about the whole being; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spirituality. Think about your emotions, feelings and thoughts of wellness and happiness when using your strengths!

Remember to make the most out of your strengths today! Your strengths are daily inspiration and motivation to your whole being. Your whole being will thank you for the GOOD and the POSITIVE in being HEALTHIER and HAPPIER!

Making the MOST Out of Your Strengths (Photos by RSheridan)

Love To Hear Your Thoughts, Please Share!

About cravesadventure

I love to adventure to new places to create new life experiences. View all posts by cravesadventure

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